2004-08-27 - #:  8661-C25-200409442 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc. - Application for Revision of Bell Canada Tariff 7516 Item 105 4(b)(2) Diagnostic Maintenance Charge and the Introduction of Co-ordinated Hot Cut (CHC) and Connecting Link Change Charge Tariffs

2005-04-19 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-24 The Commission approves Co-location Link Changes (CLC) - Follow-Up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-83 , consensus report BPRE050a, dated 24 March 2005, from the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee Business Process Working Group, filed pursuant to a Commission directive in Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-83. Reference: 8661-C25-200409442 and 8621-C12-01/00.

2004-12-21 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-83 Call-Net Enterprises Inc. v. Bell   Canada - Request for tariffs and tariff modifications with respect to work provided by Bell   Canada. Reference: 8661-C25-200409442.

2004-12-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Panel's request during the 13 December 2004 expedited hearing in this matter, Bell Canada is providing the following post hearing productions.   The attachments are filed in confidence as they contain customer specific information.
Document: 041214._1 doc - 65KB

2004-12-08 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Call-Net Enterprises Inc. and Bell Canada - Re: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. - Part VII application for revision of Bell Canada Tariff 7516 Item 105 4(b)(2) Diagnostic Maintenance Charge and the introduction of Co-ordinated Hot Cut and Connecting Link Change tariffs - Agenda

2004-12-06 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the 9 November 2004 Commission letter concerning the above subject, please find below a list of attendees and their area of expertise that will represent Call- Enterprises (Call-Net) at the 13 December 2004 hearing
Document: 041206.doc - 72KB

2004-12-03 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter dated 9 November 2004, the following individuals will be attending the expedited hearing on behalf of Bell Canada
Document: 041203.doc - 63KB

2004-11-26 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's 12 November 2004 letter, attached are Bell Canada's responses to the Commission's interrogatories.
Document: 041126_1.zip - 409KB

2004-11-26 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: The attached interrogatory responses concerning the above subject is submitted by Call-Net Enterprises (Call-Net) in accordance with the Commission letter dated 12 November 2004
Document: 041126.doc - 2473KB

2004-11-24 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: The attached argument concerning the above subject is submitted by Call-Net Enterprises (Call-Net) in accordance with the Commission letter dated 9 November 2004.
Document: 041124.doc - 101KB

2004-11-23 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's 9 November 2004 letter, attached is Bell Canada's argument in support of its position in this proceeding.
Document: 041123.zip - 793KB

2004-11-12 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Call-Net Enterprises Inc. and Bell Canada - Re: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. - Part VII Application for revision of Bell Canada Tariff 7516 Item 105 4(b)(2) Diagnostic Maintenance Charge and the Introduction of Co-ordinated Hot Cut and Connecting Link Change Tariffs - Interrogatories

2004-11-09 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Call-Net Enterprises Inc. and Bell Canada - Re: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. – Part VII application for revision of Bell Canada Tariff 7516 Item 105 4(b)(2) Diagnostic Maintenance Charge and the introduction of Co-ordinated Hot Cut and Connecting Link Change tariffs

2004-10-07 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: In accordance with Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) submits the attached comments in reply to the answer received with respect to the Application noted above
Document: 041007.doc - 114KB

2004-09-27 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits the attached Answer to an application filed by Call Net Enterprises Inc. dated 27 August 2004 pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.
Document: 040927_1.zip - 59KB

2004-09-13 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) is in receipt of your letter dated 7 September 2004 and Bell Canada’s letter dated 10 September 2004 regarding the above application by Call-Net.
Document: 040913.doc - 30KB

2004-09-10 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of your letter dated 7 September 2004 regarding the above matter.
Document: 040910.doc - 75KB

2004-09-07 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. – Part VII application for revision of Bell Canada Tariff 7516 Item 105 4(b)(2) Diagnostic Maintenance Charge and the introduction of Coordinated Hot Cut and Connecting Link Change Charge tariffs

2004-08-27 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Application for Revision of Bell Canada Tariff 7516 Item 105 4(b)(2) Diagnostic Maintenance Charge and the Introduction of Co-ordinated Hot Cut (CHC) and Connecting Link Change Charge Tariffs
Document: 040827.doc - 178KB

Date Modified: 2005-05-12

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