Phase III/Split Rate Base - Cost Inquiry Filings - Northern Telephone Limited

FILE NUMBER: 8654-N3-200308173, 8654-N3-08/00, 8654-N3-02/99

2001/12/04 - Order 2001-853 - The Commission approves, on an interim basis, Northern's proposed split rate base (SRB) procedures manual, as amended on 16 November 2001. Reference: 8622-C12-10/00.

2003/10/31 - NorthernTel Limited Partnership
Description: 2002 Actual Split Rate Base Results
Document: - 71KB

2002/10/31 - Northern Telephone Limited Partnership ("Northern")
Description: 2001 Actual Phase III Results
Document: 021031.doc - 803KB

2001/11/16 - Northern Telephone Limited ("Northern")
Description: Amendments to Northern's Split Rate Base Manual
Document: 011116.doc - 524KB

2001/10/31 - Northern Telephone Limited - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  As per Telecom Decision CRTC 96-6, Section VI, Phase III Methodology, Subsection B, Phase III Results, Northern Telephone Limited submits the 2000 actual Phase III Results.

2000/10/31 - Northern Telephone Limited - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  As per Telecom Decision CRTC 96-6, Section VI, Phase III Methodology, Subsection B, Phase III Results, Northern Telephone Limited submits the 1999 actual Phase III Results.

2000/09/01 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Letter addressed to Northern Telephone Limited.  RE:   Northern Telephone Limited - Amendments to Phase III Manual.

2000/05/19 - Northern Telephone Limited ("Northern")
Description: Attached for the Commission's approval are proposed amendments to Northern's Phase III Manual which are based on the Split Rate Base ("SRB") costing principles approved by the Commission for the former members of the Stentor alliance.
Documents: - Winzip - 543KB
000519.doc - MS WORD 97 - 76KB

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