ASL - Disclosure of information designated as confidential - 7 of 7

Video Transcript

Appendix to Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-102-3

Disclosure of information designated as confidential

Apart from the information set out below, the Commission finds that the Canadian Administrator of VRS (CAV), Inc. (CAV) has properly designated as confidential information that is likely to:

  • contain financial, commercial, scientific, or technical information that is confidential; and
  • affect contractual or other negotiations of any person.

The disclosure of this information is not in the public interest because it would not assist parties in responding to the questions in the notice, and it would not otherwise lead to a fuller and more complete record on which the Commission will make its decision.

However, disclosure of some information, as specified below, is appropriate and in the public interest. In this case, the CAV has not established the likelihood of specific and direct harm that would outweigh the public interest in the disclosure of the designated information.

The CAV is to disclose the information filed in confidence in its response to the following request for information set out in the Commission’s letter dated 11 March 2021 associated with Telecom Notice of Consultation 2021-102:

Question 3: Provide the amount each Board of Director receives in compensation and the method used to set this amount.

In response to question 3, the CAV provided an abridged reply stating, among other things, that information designated as confidential relates to the terms and conditions regarding professional compensation negotiated by the CAV with its Board of Directors.

The CAV is to file a modified version of CAV(CRTC)11Mar21-3 NOC 2021-102, providing a range of the compensation amounts paid to its board members for each of the following components: Annual Retainer, Committee Fees, and Attendance Fees.

This video in sign language shows the content of the appendix in the Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-102-3 about Video Relay Service (VRS). Viewers are advised to watch all 7 videos to ensure that they have all the information regarding procedures.

To enable interested persons whose first language is ASL or LSQ to fully participate in this proceeding, the Commission will accept video interventions in those languages. The new deadline for submitting ASL and LSQ interventions is May 16, 2022. Interested persons must provide a working link to their video in the comments box in the “Submit an intervention” section of the Intervention form. All other submission procedures are the same as for written interventions, which are set out in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-102.

Watch all videos about the consultation on Video Relay Service in Canada

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