Consultation on Video Relay Service in Canada

A sign language interpretation of the notice of consultation is available as a video playlist.


Current status: Closed

From March 14, 2022 to May 16, 2022 Video Relay Service (VRS) users were invited to provide their initial comments and to tell us if they want to participate in a virtual discussion session in ASL or LSQ to provide feedback about their experiences using VRS.

See the “What we learned” section to access the virtual discussion session videos and find the full record of comments that were submitted.

To understand if Video Relay Service (VRS) is meeting Canadians’ needs, we launched a formal review of the service. VRS is a basic telecommunications service that enables people with hearing or speech disabilities who use sign language to communicate with voice telephone users. An operator relays the conversation from sign language to spoken language and vice versa, for example from American Sign Language (ASL) to English, or from Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) to French.

What has happened so far

Key topics for discussion

To better understand the state of VRS in Canada, we asked VRS users and other Canadians to provide their views on the following topics:

Learn more about the topics for discussion set out in the Notice of Consultation.

ASL – VRS Review Conclusion: Video Summary

What we learned

Related information


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