ASL - Modifying question 11 regarding the annual budget process - 5 of 7

Video Transcript

Modifying question 11 of Telecom Notice of Consultation 2021-102 regarding the CAV’s annual budget process

  1. In Telecom Regulatory Policy 2014-659, the Commission established that the CAV must file a Part 1 application every year to request funding for its next fiscal year by 31 July (hereafter, CAV Part 1 Budget Approval Application). Accordingly, the CAV submitted its CAV Part 1 Budget Approval Application to the Commission for the 2022 operating year on 31 July 2021.
  2. Although the CAV Part 1 Budget Approval Application is separate from the review of VRS initiated by this notice, the public record of the CAV Part 1 Budget Approval Application has raised broader issues that can more appropriately be considered as part of this proceeding.
  3. In response to the CAV Part 1 Budget Approval Application for the 2022 operating year, the Commission received a procedural request from the DHH Coalition asking that the CAV’s budget application be filed in sign language. They also requested that sign language interventions and replies to interventions be allowed. The procedural request was supported by the Canada Deaf Grassroots Movement and agreed to by the CAV.
  4. While the procedural requests made in relation to the CAV Part 1 Budget Approval Application are not factors to be considered in this proceeding, the Commission recognizes that there is some intersection between that application and the matters being considered more broadly as part of this notice.
  5. Although Telecom Notice of Consultation 2021-102 has a section dedicated to the CAV budget with questions related to the budget cap and the appropriateness of the minimum requirements for approving the requested funds, more pointed questions regarding the process by which the CAV applies to the Commission for budget approval were not included.
  6. The Commission considers it appropriate to reformulate question 11 of Telecom Notice of Consultation 2021-102 in order to broaden the issue that the Commission is considering, specifically by asking dedicated questions on the process by which the CAV applies to the Commission for budget approval and how this process can be improved. Question 11 has been modified as follows:

    11(a) The CAV must file its annual budget application in French and English, by 31 July each year, to receive funding from the National Contribution Fund (NCF). Is this process still appropriate? If not, what changes or additions are required and why?

    11(b) The CAV must meet all of the requirements set out in Appendix B of Telecom Regulatory Policy 2014-187 (the VRS Policy) to receive funds from the NCF. Are these minimum requirements still appropriate? If not, what changes or additions are required and why?

This video in sign language shows the content of paragraphs 28-33 in the Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-102-3 about Video Relay Service (VRS). Viewers are advised to watch all 7 videos to ensure that they have all the information regarding procedures.

To enable interested persons whose first language is ASL or LSQ to fully participate in this proceeding, the Commission will accept video interventions in those languages. The new deadline for submitting ASL and LSQ interventions is May 16, 2022. Interested persons must provide a working link to their video in the comments box in the “Submit an intervention” section of the Intervention form. All other submission procedures are the same as for written interventions, which are set out in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-102.

Watch all videos about the consultation on Video Relay Service in Canada

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