ASL - Requests for Disclosure - 4 of 7

Video Transcript

Requests for disclosure

  1. The Commission received two requests for disclosure following receipt of the CAV’s responses to the Commission’s RFIs.
  2. On 15 June 2021, the OVRSC-COSRV filed a request for disclosure asking that all of the evidence the CAV filed in confidence be disclosed. The OVRSC-COSRV submitted that withholding the confidential information would impact the quality of interventions for a number of questions posed in Telecom Notice of Consultation 2021-102.
  3. On 30 July 2021, the DHH Coalition also filed a request for disclosure. They stated that abridged answers prevent the DHH Coalition and other parties from providing a complete and fulsome record.
  4. The CAV responded to the OVRSC-COSRV’s request on 23 June 2021 and to the DHH Coalition’s request on 7 August 2021. In its responses, the CAV stated, among other things, that the disclosure of the confidential information would:
    • cause the CAV and its suppliers and contractors specific direct harm by disclosing to actual or potential competitors specific, unique characteristics of the architecture developed for VRS in Canada;
    • jeopardize the CAV’s negotiating position if suppliers or potential suppliers in contract negotiations were able to ascertain the amount that the CAV has been paying or has set aside to acquire the services in question;
    • undermine the operation of competitive market forces between service providers to the CAV’s detriment; and
    • cause the CAV specific direct harm by providing potentially nefarious parties specific details about the CAV’s procedures in relation to internal financial control processes.

Commission’s analysis and determinations

  1. The Commission has reviewed the requests filed by the OVRSC-COSRV and the DHH Coalition as well as the reply comments filed by the CAV. The Commission considers that the CAV has made convincing arguments that the public interest would not be served by disclosing certain information because the potential risks outweigh the advantages put forth by the OVRSC-COSRV and the DHH Coalition. However, disclosure of some information, as specified in the Appendix to this notice, is appropriate and in the public interest. In this case, the CAV has not established the likelihood of specific and direct harm that would outweigh the public interest in the disclosure of the designated information.
  2. The CAV is to file with the Commission the information indicated in the Appendix to this notice by 28 March 2022.

This video in sign language shows the content of paragraphs 18-21 and 26-27 in the Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-102-3 about Video Relay Service (VRS). Viewers are advised to watch all 7 videos to ensure that they have all the information regarding procedures.

To enable interested persons whose first language is ASL or LSQ to fully participate in this proceeding, the Commission will accept video interventions in those languages. The new deadline for submitting ASL and LSQ interventions is May 16, 2022. Interested persons must provide a working link to their video in the comments box in the “Submit an intervention” section of the Intervention form. All other submission procedures are the same as for written interventions, which are set out in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-102.

Watch all videos about the consultation on Video Relay Service in Canada

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