ASL - Adding virtual discussions to the proceeding on VRS - 3 of 7

Video Transcript

Adding virtual discussions to the proceeding

  1. The Commission will be adding virtual discussions to the proceeding to ensure VRS users have a fulsome opportunity to communicate their experience with using the service. The discussions will be held in English and American Sign Language (ASL) as well as in French and Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ). The discussions will also be displayed in Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART). These discussions will provide the Commission with a better understanding of VRS users’ needs, whether the service is meeting those needs, and how it can be improved.

When will the virtual discussions be held?

  1. The virtual discussions will take place after the deadline for the reply phase.

Who can participate in the virtual discussions?

  1. Only parties who file an intervention indicating that they wish to participate in the virtual discussions will be able to participate. The Commission will accept interventions in writing or in sign language.
  2. If a party has already submitted an intervention and would like to participate in the virtual discussions, they must submit a new intervention expressing that they wish to participate in the discussions. Their original intervention does not need to be resubmitted but will remain part of the record.

How will participants find out the dates for the virtual discussions?

  1. After the deadline for the intervention phase, Commission staff will contact parties that expressed an interest in participating in the virtual discussions to provide them with more detailed information on how to participate.

Will there be a transcript of the virtual discussions?

  1. The virtual discussions, which will include real-time interpretation in English, French, ASL, LSQ, and CART, will be recorded, and the recordings will be considered video transcripts of the discussions. The video transcripts will be posted to the Commission’s YouTube channel, added to the public record of this proceeding, and posted on the Commission’s website. 

Will there be an opportunity to comment on the virtual discussions?

  1. The Commission intends to provide parties with an opportunity to make final replies to allow all parties to comment on the discussions. The deadline for final replies will be set after the virtual discussions have been completed.

This video in sign language shows the content of paragraphs 11-17 in the Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-102-3 about Video Relay Service (VRS). Viewers are advised to watch all 7 videos to ensure that they have all the information regarding procedures.

To enable interested persons whose first language is ASL or LSQ to fully participate in this proceeding, the Commission will accept video interventions in those languages. The new deadline for submitting ASL and LSQ interventions is May 16, 2022. Interested persons must provide a working link to their video in the comments box in the “Submit an intervention” section of the Intervention form. All other submission procedures are the same as for written interventions, which are set out in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-102.

Watch all videos about the consultation on Video Relay Service in Canada

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