ARCHIVED - Broadband Internet Service Coverage in Canada in 2014

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The map depicts broadband Internet services that were available across Canada and the technologies used to provide those services as of the end of 2014. It forms part of the record of the proceeding initiated by Telecom Notice of Consultation 2015-134.

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*Internet speeds at or above the CRTC’s targets may not be achievable throughout the entire LTE coverage area.


This map depicts the availability of broadband Internet access service at or above the CRTC’s target speeds of 5 megabits per second download and 1 megabits per second upload within hexagon areas of 25 square kilometres.


For the purpose of these maps, the entire hexagon is classified as “served” by the given technology if at least one household has access to these target speeds in that hexagon. The actual speeds and coverage may vary depending on the technology. For example, wireless signals may be affected by distance from the tower, terrain and weather; similarly cable and digital subscriber line (DSL) technologies may be affected by distance and other factors. Actual availability may therefore vary within a specific hexagon. “Unserved” and “underserved” areas simply display the population.


Data Sources

The CRTC gathered information from:

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