Telecom - Secretary General Letter addressed to Colin Legendre (Coextro)

Ottawa, 14 February 2024

Our reference: 2023-56-1, 2023-56-2 and 2023-56-3

Public Record: 1011-NOC2023-0056


Colin Legendre
President and CTO, Coextro
5127 Tomken Road
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1P1

Subject: Procedural request to appear at the public hearing announced in Telecom Notice of Consultation 2023-56

Colin Legendre,

In Telecom Notice of Consultation 2023-56-3, the Commission informed parties who filed a formal intervention in this proceeding to file requests to appear at the public hearing by 20 November 2023. The Commission received a request to appear from Coextro, an independent Internet service provider that is a member of Competitive Network Operators of Canada (CNOC).

On 22 December 2023, the Commission informed the parties that were invited to appear of their date of appearance by email. The accompanying conduct letter was published on the Commission’s website on the same date. Coextro was not invited to appear as it is a CNOC member and CNOC is already appearing at the public hearing.

On 6 February 2024, Colin Legendre, President and CTO of Coextro, contacted Commission staff to reiterate his wish to appear. In an email response, Commission staff explained the reasons why Coextro had not been invited to appear. In follow-up emails, Colin Legendre stated that he would like his request to appear to be escalated to a higher level, which the Commission treated as a procedural request.

The Commission concluded that since Coextro is a member of CNOC—noting that Colin Legendre is on the organization’s Board of Directors—and that CNOC will be appearing at the hearing, it would be unnecessary for Coextro to appear separately.

The Commission notes that written representations are critical to its deliberations in this proceeding and that many parties, including Coextro, have filed submissions. Furthermore, Coextro will have the opportunity to provide a final written reply, which will form part of the record of the proceeding and will be given due consideration in any final decision-making.

Accordingly, the Commission confirms its previous decision and denies Coextro’s request to appear at the hearing.


Original signed by Phil Charron for

Marc Morin
Secretary General
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

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