Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2023-56-2

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References: 2023-56, 2023-56-1, 2023-56-3 and 2023-56-4

Ottawa, 4 July 2023

Public record: 1011-NOC2023-0056

Notice of hearing – Review of the wholesale high-speed access service framework – New intervention phase

Deadline for submission of new interventions: 16 October 2023

Deadline for submission of replies to new interventions: 20 November 2023

[Submit an intervention or view related documents]

  1. In Telecom Notice of Consultation 2023-56 (the Notice), the Commission established the initial process for a proceeding to review the wholesale high-speed access (HSA) framework. The first round of interventions on all issues within scope of the proceeding, as set out in the Notice, have now been received. 
  2. By letter dated 5 May 2023, the Commissioner of Competition (the Commissioner) expressed his intention to undertake a study on the state of competition in the Canadian fixed wireline Internet service market. In support of his study, the Commissioner requested that the Commission order the disclosure to him of the confidential responses to the requests for information (RFIs) issued by Commission staff on 8 March 2023. Commission staff addressed that disclosure request in a letter dated 2 June 2023.
  3. The Commissioner also requested that (i) the Commission issue additional specific RFIs and order the disclosure to him of any confidential information filed in the responses to those RFIs; and (ii) he be given 100 days from receipt of that information to complete his study.
  4. Given the breadth of issues being considered in this proceeding, the Commission considers that additional RFIs are appropriate to further develop the public record. Some of these RFIs will be issued shortly by way of separate letter. The RFIs will be informed by the Commission’s needs while taking into account the burden that these requests impose on parties and the need for the timely progress of this proceeding. Therefore, the RFIs will not simply replicate what the Commissioner had requested.
  5. In addition, the Commission considers that the record of this proceeding would benefit from another intervention phase to develop the record regarding issues set out in the Notice, and that it had previously contemplated a second intervention phase.
  6. Accordingly, any party may file, by 16 October 2023, additional interventions on all issues within the scope of the proceeding other than the issue being considered under the expedited process.Footnote 1 Parties may file replies to those interventions by 20 November 2023. The Commission has established these deadlines to support the public interest in a timely decision for this proceeding while providing interested persons with a fair opportunity to make informed submissions on the issues under consideration.

Secretary General

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