ARCHIVED - Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-206-1
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Additional reference: 2011-206
Ottawa, 3 May 2011
Notice of hearing
24 October 2011
Gatineau, Quebec
Proceeding to review network interconnection matters
File number: 8643-C12-201105297
Changes to procedure
1. With this notice, the Commission revises certain procedural dates established in Proceeding to review network interconnection matters, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-206, 23 March 2011.
2. By letter dated 22 April 2011, the Canadian Independent Telephone Company Joint Task Force (JTF), on behalf of small incumbent local exchange carriers, requested an extension to the date for the filing of interventions in light of the likely impact of the Commission’s decision related to the obligation to serve proceeding.[1]
3. The Commission considers the request by the JTF to be reasonable.
4. In light of the above, the Commission revises the procedural dates for this proceeding as set out below. The revised paragraphs of the notice follow for ease of reference (changes are in bold italics).
26. Interested persons who wish to become parties to this proceeding must file an intervention with the Commission regarding the above-noted issues, by 2 June 2011. In accordance with section 26 of the Rules of Procedure, this intervention must explicitly state that the person wishes to be considered an intervener, and must indicate whether the person wishes to appear at the public hearing. Shortly before the public hearing, parties will be provided an opportunity to confirm whether they still wish to appear.
27. In addition, each person who files an intervention must register as a party using the Commission’s online form on or before 2 June 2011. The Commission will post on its website a complete list of parties containing the contact information provided in this registration shortly thereafter. All documents required to be served on a party or parties to the proceeding must be served using the contact information on this list.
28. The Commission and parties may request information in the form of interrogatories from any party to the proceeding. In accordance with sections 73 and following of the Rules of Procedure, the requesting party must file its request for information with the Commission on or before 30 June 2011, and must serve the request on the party to whom it is addressed.
Secretary General
[1] Proceeding to review access to basic telecommunications services and other matters, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2010-43, 28 January 2010, as amended by Obligation to serve and other matters, Telecom Notices of Consultation CRTC 2010-43-1, 5 March 2010, 2010-43-2, 30 March 2010, and 2010-43-3, 23 July 2010
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