Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-351
Ottawa, 10 August 2006
Various applicants
Québec, Quebec
Public Hearing in Québec, Quebec
20 March 2006
Denial of applications proposing radio service for Québec and the region
At the public hearing in Québec commencing 20 March 2006, the Commission considered 10 competitive applications to serve the Québec region. Six of these applications were for licences to operate new FM stations, of which four proposed to serve Québec and two proposed to serve Lévis. Three applications proposed to change the authorized contours of FM stations in the Québec area with the result that these stations could be considered as serving the Québec market. One final application proposed to operate a new AM station at Lévis. Some of these applications were also technically mutually exclusive as they proposed the use of the same frequencies in this market.
In this decision, the Commission denies seven of the applications proposing to serve Québec. In other decisions issued today, the Commission approved the remaining three applications.
On 13 July 2004, the Commission issued Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a French-language radio programming undertaking to serve Québec, Quebec, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2004-49,1 in which it announced that it had received applications for a broadcasting licence to operate commercial radio programming undertakings to serve Québec and called for applications from other parties wishing to provide programming services to the area. The Commission advised potential applicants that they would be required to provide evidence that there is a demand and a market for the service they propose and that they should address, among other things:
- the contribution that the proposed service will make to achieving the objectives established in the Broadcasting Act and, in particular, to the production of local and regional programming;
- the factors relevant to the evaluation of applications, as outlined in Introductory statement - Licensing new radio stations, Decision CRTC 99-480, 28 October 1999, i.e., the quality of the application (including the business plan and the proposed format), the diversity of news voices, the market impact and the competitive state of the market;
- the means by which the applicant will promote the development of Canadian talent, including local and regional talent;
- an analysis of the markets involved and potential advertising revenues, taking into account the results of any survey undertaken supporting the estimates; and
- evidence as to the availability of financial resources consistent with the requirements established in the financial projections of the applicant's business plan.
A total of 10 competitive applications to serve the Québec area were considered at the 20 March 2006 Public Hearing in Québec. Six of these applications were for licences to operate new FM stations, of which four proposed to serve Québec and two proposed to serve the city of Lévis. Three applications proposed to change the authorized contours of FM stations in the Québec area with the result that these stations could be considered as serving the Québec market. One final application proposed to operate a new AM station at Lévis. Some of these applications were also technically mutually exclusive as they proposed the use of the same frequencies in this market.
In Licensing new radio stations and licence amendments for radio stations in the area of Québec, Quebec - Introduction to Broadcasting Decisions CRTC 2006-348 to 2006-351, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-101, also issued today, the Commission describes the various applications and its determination regarding the ability of the Québec radio market to support new stations serving the market. The Public Notice also summarizes the Commission's reasons for approving the application by 9147-2605 Québec inc. (a corporation controlled by Mr. Jean-Pierre Coallier) to operate a new FM radio station in Québec, for renewing the licence of CKNU-FM Donnacona and its transmitter CKNU-FM-1 Sainte-Croix-de-Lotbinière, for approving amendments proposed by Radio Nord Communications inc. to its condition of licence restricting the solicitation of advertising and to the station's technical parameters, and for approving the application by 591991 B.C. Ltd., a subsidiary of Corus Entertainment Inc., to change the technical parameters of CFEL-FM Montmagny.2
The Commission hereby denies the seven other applications listed below:
- 591991 B.C. Ltd., a subsidiary of Corus Entertainment Inc. - 2005-0222-0
- 3924301 Canada inc., doing business under the name and style of Communications Lévis 2001 - 2002-0678-1
- Standard Radio Inc. - 2004-1198-4
- Yves Sauvé, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated - 2004-0572-1
- Radio Couleur Jazz inc. - 2004-1206-5
- Radio Charlesbourg/Haute St-Charles - 2004-1194-2
- Communications Médialex inc. - 2004-1526-7
Secretary General
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[] On 14 September 2004, the Commission issued an amendment to the call for applications specifying that, pursuant to an Order by the Federal Court of Appeal, the call for applications would focus only on applications proposing the use of frequencies other than 98.1 MHz, which is the frequency currently used by CHOI-FM Québec (see Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2004-49-1). On 12 January 2005, the Commission issued an amendment to the call for applications in order to exclude the reference to the language of the service to be proposed (see Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2004‑-49-‑2).
[] See French-language specialty FM radio station in Québec, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-348, 10 August 2006, CKNU-FM Donnacona and CKNU-FM-1 Sainte-Croix-de-Lotbinière - License renewal and amendment,Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-349, 10 August 2006, and CFEL-FM Montmagny - Technical change, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-350, 10 August 2006.