ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-152

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Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-152

Ottawa, 12 June 2002

Vidéotron ltée, on behalf of Vidéotron (Régional) ltée
Cabano, Rivière-du-Loup, La Pocatière, St-Joachim-de-Montmorency (Côte-de-Beaupré) and Ste-Pétronille (Île-d'Orléans);
Ascot Corner, Coaticook and Sorel;
Cowansville, East-Angus, Granby, Lennoxville and Waterloo, Quebec

Applications 2001-1278-0, 2001-1280-6, 2001-1279-8, 2001-1285-5 and 2001-1284-7;
2001-1287-1, 2001-1288-9 and 2001-1289-7;
2001-1290-5, 2001-1291-2, 2001-1292-0, 2001-1293-8 and 2001-1294-6
Public Hearing in Québec, Quebec
18 February 2002

Intracorporate reorganization - transfers of assets



In Corporate reorganization modifying the effective control of certain subsidiaries of CF Câble TV inc. in order to streamline their structure, without modifying ultimate control of those companies, Decision CRTC 2001-763, 17 December 2001, the Commission approved a series of transactions which are part of a multi-stage corporate reorganization proposed by CF Câble TV inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vidéotron ltée, aimed at streamlining the ownership structure of the cable undertakings owned by its subsidiaries1 while maintaining control on behalf of Quebecor Média inc. The Commission noted in the decision that the final two steps of this reorganization would be addressed in an upcoming public hearing. This decision and Decision CRTC 2002-153, also published today, reflect the last two stages of the reorganization.

The applications


The applications submitted by Vidéotron ltée, on behalf of Vidéotron (Régional) ltée,2 are for authorization to transfer the assets of the cable distribution undertakings owned by Vidéotron (RDL) ltée3  (formerly known as Nouco RDL/Richelieu/Granby) to Vidéotron (Régional) ltée.


The cable distribution undertakings included in these applications serve Cabano, Rivière-du-Loup, La Pocatière, St-Cyrille-de-l'Islet, St-Damase-de-l'Islet, St-Joachim-de-Montmorency (Côte-de-Beaupré), Ste-Perpétue/Tourville, Ste-Pétronille (Île-d'Orléans), St-Philémon, Ascot Corner, Coaticook, Sorel, Cowansville, East-Angus, Granby, Lennoxville and Waterloo, Quebec.



These applications were published in Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-14, 14 December 2001, relating to the 18 February 2002 public hearing in Québec. La Télévision d'Ici - (Côte-de-Beaupré), Télévision communautaire Saint-Pascal inc. and La Télévision Communautaire Autonome de Cabano filed interventions in connection with these applications.


The interveners expressed concern that the proposed corporate reorganization would adversely affect community television as well as relations between the television services they operate and the applicant. The applicant replied that the proposed corporate reorganization would not result in any change to the service provided to the public by Vidéotron or to the relationship between Vidéotron and the interveners.



Since the filing of these applications, the Commission in Revocation of the licences of exempted small cable distribution undertakings, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-45, 19 February 2002 (Decision 2002-45) has exempted the undertakings serving St-Cyrille-de-l'Islet, St-Damase-de-l'Islet, Ste-Perpétue/Tourville and St-Philémon (the exempted undertakings) from the requirement to hold a licence and has therefore revoked the licences of those undertakings. Consequently, the undertakings serving Cabano, Rivière-du-Loup, La Pocatière, St-Joachim-de-Montmorency (Côte-de-Beaupré), Ste-Pétronille (Île-d'Orléans), Ascot Corner, Coaticook, Sorel, Cowansville, East-Angus, Granby, Lennoxville and Waterloo are the only ones that are subject to Commission approval in the present case.


The Commission notes the concerns of the interveners. It is satisfied with the applicant's response and agrees that the reorganization, as proposed, does not represent any change to the service provided by the undertakings concerned.


Accordingly, the Commission approves the applications to transfer the assets of the cable undertakings that are subject to Commission approval, as mentioned above, from Vidéotron (RDL) ltée to Vidéotron (Régional) ltée. The Commission will issue broadcasting licences to Vidéotron (Régional) ltée for those undertakings upon surrender of their current licences. The licences will expire on the dates indicated in the appendix to this decision, and will be subject to the terms and conditions in effect under the current licences.


With respect to the operation of the exempted undertakings that were exempted under Decision 2002-45, the Commission reminds Vidéotron (Régional) ltée that, to remain eligible for exemption, the undertakings must meet at all times the requirements set out in the Exemption order respecting cable systems having fewer than 2,000 subscribers, appended to Public Notice CRTC 2001-121, 7 December 2001.

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to each licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site:

1 The subsidiaries of CF Câble TV inc. are Vidéotron (Régional) ltée (100%), Vidéotron (RDL) ltée (100%) and Télé-Câble Charlevoix (1977) inc. (75%).
2 Vidéotron (Régional) ltée was created via merger on 9 January 2002.
3 Vidéotron (RDL) ltée was created via merger on 2 January 2002.


Appendix to Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-152

Community served

Licence expiry date

Application number

Ascot Corner

31 August 2002



31 August 2003



31 August 2002



31 August 2002



31 August 2002



31 August 2002


La Pocatière

31 August 2003



31 August 2002



31 August 2003



31 August 2002











Ste-Pétronille (Île-d'Orléans)

31 August 2002


St-Joachim-de-Montmorency (Côte-de-Beaupré)

31 August 2002






31 August 2002


* Licence revoked by Decision 2002-45. The undertaking was exempted from the requirement to hold a licence.

Date Modified: 2002-06-12

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