Co-Location: Conditions for Co-Location



  • CLCO006A.DOC - 14848 bytes - Contribution from Sprint - BC TEL Physical Co-location - 27 February 1998
  • CLCO009A.DOC - 15360 bytes - Contribution from BC TEL - BC TEL Physical Co-location - 11 March 1998
  • CLCO018A.DOC - 13312 bytes - Contribution from Sprint - List of sites offering co-location - 13 May 1998
  • CLCO022A.DOC - 12800 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Affidavit for co-locating DSL terminals - 4 June 1998
  • CLCO022B.DOC - 12800 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Affidavit for co-locating DLC terminals - 4 June 1998/Revision 23 June 1998
  • CLCO041.DOC - 20KB - Network Operations - guidelines for Co-location - Version 1.0 CISC - 15 April 1999
  • CLCO047.DOC - 27KB - Contribution from Call-Net - Co-location Application Process for Subsequent Changes to Co-location Sites - 24 November 1999
  • CLCO049.DOC - 21KB - Contribution from Bell Canada - Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer Affidavit (draft) - 2 December 1999
  • CLCO050.DOC - 133KB - Contribution from Bell Canada - Co-location Arrangement Entrant Information Package, Issue 5.0, March 15, 1999 - 2 December 1999
  • CLCO089A.DOC - 34KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the transfer or assignment of site-specific co-location space in TELUS central offices - March 26, 2001
  • CLCO092A.DOC - 43KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposed Terms and Conditions for Assignment of Co-location Space on a Site Specific Basis - May 28, 2001 (consensus reached in CLRE018, approved in Decision CRTC 2001-512, 20 August 2001)
  • CLCO114A.DOC - 29KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - TELUS COLA Amendments - December 14, 2001
  • CLCO114B.DOC - 221KB - TELUS COLA Amendments - February 22, 2002
  • CLCO114C.DOC - 26KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - TELUS COLA Amendments - March 11, 2002
  • CLCO117A.DOC - 35KB - Contribution from Mark Freeman and James Lefkovics, AT&T - Reply comments to CLCO114A (updates to the COLA ( Alberta )) - January 21, 2002
  • CLCO023A.DOC - 75776 bytes - Contribution from AT&T, Cogeco, fONOROLA, MetroNet, Rogers, Shaw FiberLink, Sprint - FOTS Configuration for Co-location - 19 June 1998
  • CLCO037.DOC - 124KB - Contribution from Stentor - Leasing a Co-located Carrier's Facilities - 9 December 1998
  • CLCO037B.DOC - 23KB - Contribution from TELUS & Stentor - Leasing a Co-located Carrier's Facilities - 15 April 1999


  • CLRE003.DOC - 21KB - Consensus report - Consultation Process for Co-location Design
  • CLRE010.DOC - 40KB - Co-Location Group Consensus Report - 10 August 1998
  • CLRE018a.DOC - 32KB - (DRAFT) - Assignment of Co-location space - 23 April 2001
  • CLRE018b.DOC - 70KB - Draft Consensus Report - Assignment of Co-location Site - undated
  • CLRE018c.DOC - 73KB - Consensus Report - Assignment of Co-location Site - June 26, 2001 (Approved in Decision CRTC 2001-512)
  • CLRE029A.DOC - 27KB - Draft Consensus report from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Destandardization of Virtual Co-location - 21 February 2002 - to be revisited in February 2003


Tasks(s): None

Dispute(s): None

Date modified: