Co-Location: Co-Location Space



  • CLCO058.DOC - 22KB - Contribution from Jonathan Daniels on behalf of Coalition for Better Co-location - Sub-lease of Floor Space, 17 July 2000
  • CLCO071A.DOC - 29KB - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada- Sub-Licensing of Co-located Floor Space - 12 January 2001
  • CLCO072A.DOC - 33KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the Sublicensing of Co-location Space in TELUS Central Offices - 11 January 2001
  • CLCO81A.doc - 54KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the Sublicensing of Co-location Space in TELUS Central Offices - February 23, 2001
  • CLCO081b.DOC - 55KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the sublicensing of co-location space in TELUS Central Offices - March 26, 2001 (consensus reached in CLRE017, approved in Decision CRTC 2001-287, 25 May 2001)
  • CLCO081C.DOC - 42KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the sublicensing of co-location space in ILEC Central Offices - April 23, 2001
  • CLCO082A.DOC- 33KB - Contribution from Alexander Adéyinka, NorthPoint Canada - Proposal for the Sublicensing of Co-location Space in ILECs Central Offices: IC-to-Subsidiary Sublicensing - February 26, 2001
  • CLCO091A.DOC - 35KB - Contribution from Dave Jarrett, AXXENT - Proposal for the Sublicensing of Co-location Space in TELUS Central Offices - March 26, 2001
  • CLCO107A.DOC - 469KB - Contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - Interconnection of non-adjacent co-location space - August 27, 2001
  • CLCO107B.DOC - 89KB - Contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - Interconnection of Non-adjacent Co-location Space (Supplement - Roles & Responsibilities) - 21 September 2001 (consensus reached in CLRE026C, approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-39,10 July 2002)
  • CLCO113A.DOC - 62KB - Contribution from George Hearn and Ray Douthwaite, TELUS - Implementation of Order CRTC 2001-780 in TELUS - November 28, 2001
  • CLCO113B.DOC - 62KB - Contribution from George Hearn and Ray Douthwaite, TELUS - Implementation of Order CRTC 2001-780 in TELUS - November 28, 2001


  • CLRE017.DOC - 35KB - Approved by the Commission on 25 May 2001 by Decision 2001-287 - Sub-licensing of Co-location Space - 24 April 2001
  • CLRE026A.DOC - 114KB - Draft Consensus report - Intra-office interconnection of non-adjacent co-location space licensed by the same co-locator - 21 January 2002
  • CLRE026B.DOC - 115KB - DRAFT Consensus report - Intra-office Interconnection of Non-adjacent Co-location Space Licensed by the Same Co-locator - March 21, 2002
  • CLRE026C.DOC - 118KB - Consensus report - Intra-office Interconnection of Non-adjacent Co-location Space Licensed by the Same Co-locator - Approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-39, 10 July 2002


Tasks(s): None

Dispute(s): None

Date modified: