Co-Location: ADSL Wholesale Service



  • CLTF0004.doc - 33KB -Remotes sub-working group - Colocation at Remotes - 23 November 2000


  • CLCO103A.DOC - 30KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada - Bell Canada Wholesale DSL/ATM Service - 20 July 2001
  • CLCO105A.DOC - 494KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - TELUS Wholesale DSL Solution - July 19, 2001
  • CLCO108A.DOC - 847KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution and presentation from Allan Mula, Sask Tel - Sask Tel Wholesale DSL Access Capability - 14 August 2001 Remote Access.ppt
  • CLCO123A.DOC - 542KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from George Hearn and Ray Douthwaite, TELUS - TELUS ADSL Wholesale Service - 26 August 2002

Dispute(s): None

Report(s): None

Decision(s): None

Date modified: