Billing and Ordering: Reports
BORE001a.doc - 16KB - Interconnection / Trunks / Ordering / Data Elements - 1998/12/04
BORE003B.DOC - 15360 bytes - Industry Standard Service Intervals - Connecting - 1998/11/12
BORE025B.DOC - 37888 bytes - Task Description(s): Work in conjunction with Network Operations SWG, as part of a joint OBSWG/NOSWG task force, to identify the standard service intervals for ordering Connecting Links, from initiation to acceptance of service. This will include escalation and expedite intervals. - 1998/08/28
BORE027A.DOC - 18,944 bytes - Notification (Central Office Cutover-Loop Provisioning) Recommendation for Interim solution. - 1998/09/09
BORE028A.DOC - 23,040 bytes - Task Description(s): Have a cross-functional team (consisting of members from NOSWG, OBSWG, CTSWG, ESSSWG, BPTG) determine whether a notification step is required in the process of migrating a Local Loop with LNP, and further determine an Interim solution to address this step, if required. - 1998/09/11
BORE036a.doc - 19KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines. - 1998/04/28
BORE037a.doc - 66KB - Ordering and billing Schedules. 1998/12/04
BORE037b.doc - 101KB - Consensus Report - Ordering and Billing Schedules - 1999/02/23
BORE037C.DOC - 67KB - Ordering and Billing Schedules - 1999/02/26
BORE037d.DOC - 67KB - Billing and Ordering Schedules to the MALI(Version 25). - 1999/10/18
BORE050a.doc - 87KB - Notice of Billing Dispute/Minimum Billing Data Elements. 19/98/12/04
Notice of Billing Dispute/Minimum Billing Data Elements
BO03310.DOC 6.0 - 263172 bytes - Basic Listing Interchange File
BO033101.DOC 6.0 - 4748 bytes - Table of Contents
BO033102.DOC 6.0 - 6072762 bytes - Local Service Ordering Overview
BO033103.DOC 6.0 - 507683 bytes - Local Service Request (LSR) Form Preparation Guide
BO033104.DOC 6.0 - 221254 bytes - Loop Service (LS) Form Preparation Guide
BO033105.DOC 6.0 - 360039 bytes - End-User Information (EU) Form Preparation Guide
BO033106.DOC 6.0 - 100575 bytes - Number Portability (NP) Form Preparation Guide
BO033107.DOC 6.0 - 163387 bytes - Loop Service with Number Portability (LSNP) Form Preparation Guide
BO033108.DOC 6.0 - 190540 bytes - Interconnection Request (Access Service Request) Form Preparation Guide
BO033109.DOC 6.0 - 365374 bytes - Local service Request Confirmation (LSC) Form Preparation Guide
BO033111.DOC 6.0 - 166872 bytes - Complex Listing Interchange Form
BO033112.DOC 6.0 - 5652 bytes - Number Administration (NA) Form Preparation Guide
BO033113.DOC 6.0 - 766825 bytes - Message Relay Service (MRS) Form Preparation Guide
BO033114.DOC 6.0 - 5141 bytes - Co-Location Form Preparation Guide
BO033115.DOC 6.0 - 5319 bytes - Usage Rule Tables Guide
BO033116.DOC 6.0 - 5263 bytes - Sample Bill
BO033117.DOC 6.0 - 25363 bytes - Glossary
OBRE0902.DOC - Word6.0 - 133031 bytes - Ordering and Billing Report to the CRTC - 1997/09/02
0902001.DOC - Word6.0 - 14045 bytes - Executive Summary (attachment to above Report) - 1997/09/02
0902002.DOC - Word6.0 - 474544 bytes - Appendix A - Customer Migration Process for Local Competition - 1997/09/02
0902003.DOC - Word6.0 - 561412 bytes - Appendix A2 - Process for Local Competition - 1997/09/02
0902004.DOC - Word6.0 - 4590 bytes - Appendix B - Notice of Billing Dispute - 1997/09/02
0902005.XLS - Excel - 57856 bytes - Appendix B form - 1997/09/02
0902006.DOC - Word6.0 - 21033 bytes - Appendix C - Ordering Schedule - 1997/09/02
0902007.DOC - Word6.0 - 23941 bytes - Appendix D - Billing Schedule - 1997/09/02
0902008.DOC - Word6.0 - 15210 bytes - CLEC - IXC Schedule - 1997/09/02
OBRE3004.DOC - 463872 bytes - Status Report - 1997/04/30
STATUS.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/04/07
OBRE3004.PPT - 49664 bytes - Electronic Bonding: - Conceptual Overview - Sprint Canada Inc. - 1997/04/03
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