Billing and Ordering: Disputes and Positions Filed
BODI001A.DOC - 5628 bytes - Service Interval TIFs (OBTF003, OBTF006, OBTF009, OBTF014, OBTF015, OBTF027, OBTF035) - MetroNet - 1997/10/17
BODI001B.DOC - 32141 bytes - Service Interval TIFs (OBTF003, OBTF006, OBTF009, OBTF014, OBTF015, OBTF027, OBTF035) - MetroNet - 1997/10/30
BODI001C.DOC - 7735 bytes - The Stentor Owner Companies position on service intervals for interconnection and local loops - 1997/10/30
BODI001.DOC - 11264 bytes - Further request regarding CISC dispute BODI001
BODP003C.DOC - 12KB - Daily Cutoff time associated with the receipt of LSR - Requests on Day "0" of the Service Intervals. - The Service Interval for Local Service Requests (LSRs) begins when the LSR is received by the Provisioning LEC. There is currently a 2:00 pm cutoff time each day for LSR requests to be considered "received" on that business day. LSRs received after 2:00 pm (local time) are considered "received" on the following business day. The CLECs are seeking to extend the time to submit LSR requests to the ILECs. The ILECs wish to maintain the current cutoff time.
BODP003B.DOC - 22KB - Daily Cutoff time associated with the receipt of LSR - Requests on Day "0" of the Service Intervals. - Cutoff time for submission of Local Service Requests (LSRs).
BODP003A.DOC - 15KB - Daily Cutoff time associated with the receipt of LSR - Requests on Day "0" of the Service Intervals. - The requirement to be able to forward LSR requests during business hours of operation on a given business day and position in regards to due date deliverables (number of days).
BODI003A.DOC - 11KB - Daily Cutoff time associated with the receipt of LSR - Requests on Day "0" of the Service Intervals.
DISPUTE.DOC - 73728 bytes - MetroNet Communications Group Inc. - Comments
Commission Letter
FILING DATE: 1998/02/24
DESCRIPTION: Letter addressed to the Distribution List in response to a joint letter from MetroNet on behalf of the Competitors and Stentor on behalf of the SOCs informing the Commission that the Competitors adn the SOCs have agreed to resume discussions aimed at resolving Dispute BODI001A, including associated issues regarding confidentiality of information.
SERVICE.DOC - 332288 bytes
Commission Notice
FILING DATE: 1998/01/19
DESCRIPTION: Message addressed to the participants regarding date for reply comments on the dispute of the Service Intervals (Ref.: Commission letter dated 15 December 1997) will be deferred from 22 January 1997 to next Tuesday 27 January 1998.
SERVICE2.DOC - 19456 bytes
Commission Notice - English Version Only
FILING DATE: 1998/01/12
DESCRIPTION: Message addressed to the participants Re: The Commission has granted the requested extension, and the revised date for filing comments is Wednesday, January 14, 1998.
SERVICE1.DOC - 19456 bytes
Commission Letter
FILING DATE: 1997/12/15
DESCRIPTION: Letter addressed to the Distribution List. Re: Dispute BODI001A.DOC dated 17 October 1997, from the Biling and ordering Sub-Working Group of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC).
SERV_INT.DOC - 20992 bytes
Hard Copy Documents Only
MetroNet Communications and Stentor Resource Centre Inc.
FILING DATE: 1998/03/03
DESCRIPTION: Stentor and MetroNet request that the Commission postpone the date upon which the Competitors and
the SOCs are to advise the Commission of the outcome of their discussions until 1998/03/31.
MetroNet Communications and Stentor Resource Centre Inc.
FILING DATE: 1998/02/09
DESCRIPTION: Letter to advise the Commission that MetroNet on behalf of CLECs and Stentor on behalf of SOCs
have agreed to resume discussions aimed at resolving Dispute BODI001A including associated issues regarding
confidentiality of information.
Stentor Resource Centre Inc.
FILING DATE: 1998/01/28
DESCRIPTION: Stentor's response to MetroNet's letter dated 1998/01/23.
MetroNet Communications
FILING DATE: 1998/01/23
DESCRIPTION: MetroNet's response (on behalf the CLECs) to Stentor's letter dated 1998/01/21.
Stentor Resource Centre Inc.
FILING DATE: 1998/01/21
DESCRIPTION: Stentor's response to MetroNet's letter dated 1998/01/16.
Stentor Resource Centre Inc.
FILING DATE: 1998/01/15
DESCRIPTION: Stentor's response to the Commission's letter dated 1997/12/15. Stentor submits comments.
MetroNet Communications
FILING DATE: 1998/01/14
DESCRIPTION: MetroNet's comments on behalf the CLECs in response to the Commission's letter dated 1997/12/15.
MetroNet Communications
FILING DATE: 1998/01/14
DESCRIPTION: MetroNet's response on behalf the CLECs to the Commission's letter dated 1997/12/15.
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