Building Access and Inside Wiring: Other Documents


TSACC.TXT - TextFile - 8829 bytes - TSACC Working Group on the information Highway TSACC-WGIH, has developed a network roadmap which identifies points of interconnection

TIFINVEN1.DOC - 88KB - An Inventory of current Inside Wiring Demarcation Point Practices - Submitted by Stentor Resource Centre Inc.

TIFINVEN3.DOC - 90KB - An Inventory of current Inside Wiring Demarcation Point Practices - Submitted by Stentor Resource Centre Inc.

TIFINVEN4.DOC - 90KB - An Inventory of current Inside Wiring Demarcation Point Practices - Submitted by Stentor Resource Centre Inc.

TIFINVEN5.doc - 48KO - Demarcation Inventory for ILECs - Submitted by Stentor Ressource Cetnre Inc.

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