Building Access and Inside Wiring: Contributions


BICO097b.doc - 668KB - Description: Telecom AMI - Other Similar Services - February 5, 2004

BICO097a.doc - 42KB - Description: O&Y/BOMA Canada - Other Similar Services - February 5, 2004

BICO096c.doc - 48KB - Description: Bell - Plan Approvals - February 20, 2004

BICO096b.doc - 52KB - Description: TELUS - Plan Approvals - February 19, 2004

BICO096a.DOC - 36KB - TELUS - Plan approval - January 20, 2004

BICO095d.doc - 15KB - Description: Telecom AMI - POP Space Fees - February 19, 2004

BICO095c.doc - 33KB - Description: University of Manitoba - POP Space Fees - February 18, 2004

BICO095b.DOC - 23KB - MTS - Rates for POP space - January 19, 2004

BICO095a.DOC - 33KB - Bell - Rates for POP space - January 19, 2004

BICO094d.doc - 176KB - Description: MTS - Unusable wire Definition- February 19, 2004

BICO094c.doc - 38KB - Description: Telecom AMI - Unusable wire Definition- February 19, 2004

BICO094b.doc - 33 KB - Description: Bell - Unusable wire Definition- February 19, 2004

BICO094a.DOC - 31KB - MTS - Usable Wire Definition - January 19, 2004

BICO093.DOC - 41KB - (SaskTel) Demarcation Policy for Provision of Pay Telephone Access Line - 2000/09/15

BICO092.DOC - 31KB - (University of Manitoba) Discussion of the exclusion of campus environment from the definition of a multi-dwelling unit - 2000/08/02

BICO091.DOC - 72KB - (Telus) Definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 2000/09/11

BICO090.DOC - 55KB - (Bell) Inside Wire and In-Building Wire (Dis)-Connection Process - 2000/07/21

BICO089.DOC - 21KB - (Telus) Extension of Scope of Exclusivity Provisions of Decision 99-10 - 2000/03/15

BICO088.DOC - 78KB - (Bell) Definition of a main terminal room (MTR) - 2000/03/20

BICO087.DOC - 25KB - (Videotron) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless technology - 2000/02/22

BICO086.DOC -25KB - (Videotron) Alternate Access Arrangements - 2000/02/22

BICO085.DOC - 26KB - (BOMA/CIPREC) Extension of Scope of Exclusivity Provisions of Decision 99-10 - 2000/02/20

BICO084.DOC - 27KB - (CIPREC) Implications requiring a LEC to provide an alternative access arrangement - 2000/02/21

BICO083.DOC - 27KB - (BOMA/CIPREC) Definition of a main terminal room (MTR) - 2000/02/21

BICO082.DOC - 33KB - (Novus) Definition of a main terminal room (MTR) - 2000/02/17

BICO081.DOC - 34KB - (Rogers) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless technology - 2000/01/07

BICO080.DOC - 35KB - (Rogers) Alternate Access Arrangements - 2000/01/07

BICO079.DOC - 23KB - (Telus) Definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 2000/01/19

BICO078.DOC - 40KB - (NewTel/NBTel/Island Tel) Demarcation for PAL - 2000/01/19

BICO077.DOC - 31KB - (Bell/MTS) PAL - Re-use of Inside Wire Left in Place- 2000/01/24

BICO076.DOC - 31KB - (Bell/MTS) Extension of Exclusivity provisions of Decision 99-10 - 2000/01/24

BICO075.DOC - 22KB - (AT&T) Definition of a Stand-Alone Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) - 1999/12/09

BICO074.DOC - 23KB - (AT&T) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless - 1999/12/09

BICO073a.DOC - 24KB - (Bell/MTS) Definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 2000/01/24

BICO073.DOC - 25KB - (Bell/MTS) Definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 1999/12/13

BICO072.DOC - 44KB - (Skyway) Inclusion of Multi-line service into the Scope of Telecom Decision 99-10 - 1999/10/18

BICO071.DOC - 23KB - (AT&T) Alternate Access Arrangements - 1999/12/09

BICO070.DOC - 48KB - (BOMA/CIPREC) Alternate Access Arrangements - 1999/11/19

BICO069.DOC - 57KB - (Skyway) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless - 1999/11/18

BICO068.DOC - 30KB - (Cantel) Demarcation Point for Fixed Wireless - 1999/11/19

BICO067.DOC - 28KB - (Bell) Include all in-building copper facilities regardless of the type of service when these facilities are transferred from LECs to building owners - 1999/11/22

BICO066.DOC - 132KB - (Bell) Defining a Stand Alone Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) - 1999/11/22

BICO065.DOC - 39KB - (BOMA) Stand Alone Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) - 1999/11/19

BICO064.DOC - 36KB - (BOMA) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless - 1999/11/15

BICO063.DOC - 39KB - (BOMA/CIPREC) Definition of MTR - 1999/11/19

BICO062.DOC - 62KB - (Norigen) Alternate Access Arrangements - 2000/01/25

BICO061.DOC - 33KB - (Rogers) Service Provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless - 1999/11/09

BICO060.DOC - 22KB - (MaxLink) Definition of Main Terminal Room (MTR) - 1999/11/11

BICO059.DOC - 22KB - (MaxLink) Alternative Access arrangements - 1999/11/11

BICO058.DOC - 26KB - (MaxLink) Defining a Stand-Alone MDU - 1999/11/11

BICO057.DOC - 21KB - (Telus) Notice of intent to install facilities - 1999/10/15

BICO056.DOC - 24KB - (BOMA/CIPREC) Defintion of MTR - 1999/10/21

BICO055.DOC - 21KB - (Telus) Inclusion of Multi-line service into the Scope of  Telecom Decision 99-10 - 1999/10/15

BICO054.DOC - 23KB - (Telus) Definition of Main Terminal Room (MTR) - 1999/10/15

BICO053.DOC - 21KB - (Telus) Definition of a Stand-Alone Multi-dwelling Unit (MDU) - 1999/10/15

BICO052.DOC - 21KB - (Telus) Definition of a "new" building - 1999/10/15

BICO051.DOC - 27KB - (Telus) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial  cable, fibre and fixed wireless - 1999/11/09

BICO050.DOC - 35KB - (Telus) Advantages, disadvantages and all implications of requiring a LEC to provide alternative access arrangements - 1999/11/10

BICO049.DOC - 25KB - (Bell/MTS) Definition of a "new" building- 1999/10/25

BICO048a.DOC - 29KB - (Bell/MTS) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless technology - 1999/11/19

BICO048.DOC - 30KB - (Bell/MTS) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless technology - 1999/11/19

BICO047a.DOC - 35KB - (Bell/MTS) Advantages, disadvantages and all implications of requiring a LEC to provide an alternative access arrangement - 1999/11/10

BICO047.DOC - 39KB - (Bell) Advantages, disadvantages and all implications of requiring a LEC to provide an alternative access arrangement - 1999/11/04

BICO046.DOC - 12KB - (Rogers) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless technology - 1999/09/27

BICO045.DOC - 21KB - (Rogers) Advantages, disadvantages and all implications of requiring a LEC to provide an alternative access arrangement - 1999/09/27

BICO044 - This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

BICO043.DOC - 28KB - (Pro-Tech) Definition of a Main Terminal Room (MTR) - dated September 29, 1999. Revised 1999/10/18

BICO042.DOC - 26KB - (CIPREC) Definition of a "new building" - 1999/10/18

BICO041.DOC - 29KB - (CIPREC) Notice required to be given multi-dwelling unit (MDU) owner for installation of facilities - 1999/09/28

BICO040a.DOC - 32KB - (MaxLink) Demarcation Point for Fixed Wireless - 1999/11/11

BICO040.DOC - 27KB - (MaxLink) Demarcation Point for Fixed Wireless - 1999/09/28

BICO039.DOC - 27KB - (Videotron) Service provider demarcation points for coaxial cable, fibre and fixed wireless technology - 1999/09/28

BICO038.DOC - 28KB - (Videotron) Advantages, disadvantages and all implications of requiring a LEC to provide an alternative access arrangement - 1999/09/28

BICO037a.DOC - 26KB - (Optel) Demarcation point for services other than single line provided on copper - 2000/01/12

BICO037.DOC - 27KB - (Optel) Demarcation point for services other than single line provided on copper; extension of prohibitions on exclusivity - 1999/10/28

BICO036a.DOC - 31KB - (MTT) Demarcation for Payphone - 2000/01/14

BICO036.DOC - 39KB - (MTS) Proposed Interim Demarcation Points for Payphones in MTS territory - 1999/03/03

BICO035a.doc - 29KB - (Telus) Payphone Demarcation - 2000/03/14

BICO035.DOC - 33KB - (Telus/BCTel) Payphone Demarcation - 1999/02/16

BICO034.DOC - 18KB - (BCTEL) Demarcation Point in Multi-Unit Buildings - BCTEL clarification on Stentor Contribution submitted by BCTEL - 1998/10/07

BICO033.DOC - 12KB - (BOMA) License agreement/code of conduct for building access - 1999/01/05

BICO032c.DOC - 50KB - (Bell/MT&T) Demarcation for Payphone - 2000/01/24

BICO032b.DOC - 51KB - (Bell) Demarcation for Payphone - 1999/11/22

BICO032a.DOC - 21KB - (Bell Canada) Proposed Interim Demarcation Points for Payphones in Bell Canada territory - 1999/03/03

BICO032.DOC - 23KB - (Bell) Demarcation for Payphone - 1998/12/21

BICO031.DOC - 23KB - (Metronet) Demarcation point in multi-tenant buildings: Response to contributions of Stentor (BICO026), BCOAPO et al (BICO027) and CAC/FNACQ/NAPO (BICO028) - 1998/10/15

BICO030.DOC - 18KB - (CAC/FNACQ/NAPO) Public Interest Advocacy Centre and others respecting the location of demarcation points - 1998/10/05

BICO029.DOC - 54KB - (CIPREC) Canadian Institute of Public Real Estate Corporation respecting the matter of building access agreements - 1998/10/08

BICO028.DOC - 18KB - (CAC/FNACQ/NAPO) Demarcation Point in Multi-Unit Buildings - 1998/09/18

BICO027.DOC - 16KB - (BCOAPO et al.) Response to the Stentor Contribution (BICO026.DOC) on the Demarcation Point in Multi-Unit Buildings - 1998/09/18

BICO026.DOC - 18KB - (Stentor) Demarcation Point in Multi-Unit Buildings - 1998/10/09

BICO025.DOC - 47KB - (CIPREC) Facilities Owned by landlords- Agreement - 1998/09/08

BICO024.DOC - 247KB - (Rogers) Enforcement of Building Access Obligations - 1998/07/21

BICO023.DOC - 17KB - (Stentor) Facilities Owned by Carriers - 1998/06/22

BICO022.DOC - 25KB - (Stentor) Operations Procedures - Installation and Maintenance of Unbundled Local Loops at a Customer Premises- Installation of a CLEC Local Loop to the Inside Wire - 1998/02/16

BICO021.DOC - 19KB - (Videotron) - Facilities Owned by Landlords - 1997/12/10

BICO020.DOC - 53KB - (Stentor / Sprint / Rogers / Metronet / Shaw / Videotron) - Facilities Owned by Landlords - 1997/11/07

BICO019.DOC - 21KB - (Call-Net) Facilities Owned by Landlords - 1997/10/27

BICO018 - This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

BICO017.DOC - 16KB - (Rogers) Operational Issues - 1997/10/10

BICO016.DOC - 14KB - (Videotron) Facilities Owned/controlled by Carriers in MDUs - 1997/10/10

BICO015.DOC - 16 KB - (BOMA) Building and Inside Wire Access - BITF005 - 1997/09/29

BICO014.DOC - 17KB - (Stentor) Facilities Owned by Landlords - 1997/09/26

BICO013.DOC - 38 KB - (Stentor) This contribution provides Stentor's position on the issues described in BITF004. In particular, this contribution describes Stentor's view regarding the appropriate means of ensuring that end users have access to services provided by any LEC when the in-building wire is controlled by a LEC - 1997/09/26

BICO012 - This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

BICO011.DOC - 95 KB - (Stentor Companies) This contribution provides the position of the Stentor Companies. Issues covered are: demarcation point on a loop (network wire). - 1997/09/04

BICO010 - This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

BICO009 - This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

BICO008 - This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

BICO007.DOC - 21 KB - (Rogers) Access to Buildings and Inside Wire - BITF005 - 1997/08/22

BICO006 - This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

BICO005.DOC - 16 KB - (Videotron) This contribution provides the position of Videotron Telecom, Call-Net, Metronet, and Rogers on the location of the demarcation point. - 1997/09/03

BICO004.DOC -14 KB - (Shaw Communications) This contribution provides information to further our discussions on the Demarcation Point (TIF1). - 1997/08/18

BICO003.DOC - 16 KB - (Industry Canada) Demarcation Point VS Building Access Point - 1997/08/11

BICO002 - This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

BICO001 -This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

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