Building Access and Inside Wiring: Task Identification Forms


BITF024.doc - 12KB - Commercially Un-useable IBW

BITF023.DOC - 12KB - Other similar services reasonably required in connection with the installation and operation of telecommunications facilities

BITF022.DOC - 50KB - Plan approval requirements associated with the installation of telecommunications equipment in MDUs

BITF021.DOC - 12KB - Use of the POP space fee benchmark data provided in TIF 17

BITF020.DOC - 30KB - Unusable in-building wire - definition

BITF018.DOC - 56KB - Indemnification/liability and insurance clauses - building access agreement

BITF017.DOC - 13KB - Benchmark Rates for Space Occupied by Telecommunications Equipment and Plan Approvals for Installation of Telecommunications Facilities and Equipment

BITF016.DOC - 29KB - Template Building Access Agreement - Development of a template Building Access Agreement in accordance with Decision 2003-45, which LECs may, at their option, use in approaching building owners

BITF015.doc - 21KB - Definition of a campus environment dated 14 September 2000 - Revised 2001/07/31

BITF014a.doc - 21KB - Extension of Scope of Exclusivity provisions of Decision 99-10 dated 14 January 2000 - Revised 2000/03/13

BITF014.doc - 21KB - Extension of Scope of Exclusivity provisions of Decision 99-10 dated 14 January 2000 (This TIF is identical to TIF 14a)

BITF013.doc - 25KB - Definition of a Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) dated 26 November 1999

BITF012a.DOC - 25KB - Inclusion of all in-building copper facilities regardless of the type of services provided on these facilities when these facilities are transferred from LECs to building owners. (This TIF was superseded by a letter decision dated June 27 2000) dated 22 September 1999 - Revised 2000/01/12

BITF012.DOC - 26KB - Demarcation Point for Multi-line and other services provided on copper facilities dated 22 September 1999 - Revised 1999/10/29

BITF011.doc - 35KB - Definition of an Main Terminal Room (MTR) dated 25 September 1999 - Revised 2000/03/08

BITF010.DOC - 21KB - Discussion of expansion of Definition of Stand Alone Multi-Dwelling Unit dated 30 September 1999 - Revised 1999/10/12

BITF009.DOC - 24KB - Criteria for definition of a new building dated 28 September 1999 - Revised 2000/05/12

BITF008.DOC - 22KB - Notice to property owner for installation of facilities dated 28 September 1999 - Revised 2000/05/12

BITF007.DOC - 28KB - Demarcation points for co-axial cable, fibre and fixed wireless dated 28 September 1999

BITF006.DOC - 28KB - Implications of requiring a LEC to provide an alternative access arrangement dated 28 September 1999

BITF005.DOC - 13KB - Building Access and unco-operative landlords dated 9 July 1997

BITF004.DOC - 14KB - Building Access and Local Loops dated 7 July 1997

BITF003.DOC - 21KB - Operational issues in connection with access to inside wiring dated 9 July 1997

BITF002.PDF - Measures that are necessary for LEC access to inside wire - 1997/07/07

BITF001.DOC - 13KB - Demarcation Point dated 7 July 1997

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