Building Access and Inside Wiring: Definition of a Stand Alone Multi-Dwelling Unit



  • BITF010.DOC - 21 KB- Discussion of expansion of Stand Alone Multi-dwelling Unit dated 30 September 1999. Revised 1999/10/12


  • BICO053.DOC - 21 KB - Telus - Definition of a stand-alone multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 1999/10/15
  • BICO058.DOC - 26 KB - MaxLink - Definition of a stand-alone multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 1999/11/11
  • BICO065.DOC - 39 KB - BOMA - Stand-alone multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 1999/11/19
  • BICO066.DOC - 132 KB - Bell - Defining a stand-alone multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 1999/11/22
  • BICO075.DOC - 22 KB - AT&T - Defining a stand-alone multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 1999/12/09

Dispute(s): None

Dispute(s): None

Decision(s): None

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