Building Access and Inside Wiring: Definition of a Multi-Dwelling Unit



  • BITF013.DOC - 38 KB - Definition of a Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) dated 1999/11/26


  • BICO073.DOC - 25 KB - Bell/MTS - Definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 1999/12/13
  • BICO073A.DOC - 24 KB - Bell/MTS - Definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 2000/01/24
  • BICO079.DOC - 23KB - Telus - Definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 2000/01/19
  • BICO091.DOC - 72KB - Telus - Definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 2000/09/11


  • BIRE011.DOC - 21KB - Proposed consensus report on the definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 2000/07/27
  • BIRE011A.DOC - 20KB - Proposed consensus report on the definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 2001/01/16
  • BIRE011B.DOC - 20KB - Proposed consensus report on the definition of a multi-dwelling unit (MDU) - 2001/03/12

Dispute(s): None

Decision(s): None

Date modified: