2005-11-02 - #:  8690-R28-200512534 - Demande concernant la résiliation et l'attribution de l'entente avec Aliant Inc. de la structure de soutènement

2006-07-28 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2006-45 Demande présentée en vertu de la partie VII par Rogers Cable Communications Inc. concernant la résiliation et la cession du contrat de licence relatif aux structures de soutènement d'Aliant Telecom Inc. Référence : 8690-R28-200512534.

2006-08-28 - Cassels Brock & Blackwell, LLP
Description: Please find enclosed a copy of our Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal in this matter which is being served upon you pursuant to the Federal Court Rules.  I also enclose a copy of my letter of today's date to Mr. David Hennessey of Aliant.
Document: 672336.pdf - 270KO

2005-12-16 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: These comments are filed by Aliant Telecom Inc. in response to the new evidence presented by Rogers
Document: 051216.pdf - 143KO

2005-12-12 - Rogers Cable Communications Inc.
Description: These reply comments are filed by Rogers pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure in response to the Answer filed by Aliant Telecom in respect to the above-noted application.
Document: 051212.pdf - 255KO

2005-12-02 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Aliant submits this answer to the Part VII application made by Rogers
Document: 051202.pdf - 157KO

2005-11-15 - Rogers Cable Communications Inc.
Description: I am writing in respect of Mr. Godin's letter dated November 5, 2005 in respect of the above-noted Part VII applications
Document: 051115.pdf - 63KO

2005-11-05 - Lettre du Conseil - Vesion anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Rogers Cable Communications Inc. - Objet: Demande concernant la résiliation et l'attribution de l'entente avec Aliant Inc. de la structure de soutènement.

2005-11-02 - Rogers Cable Communications Inc.
Descripiton: This application is made by Rogers Cable Communications Inc. pursuant to Part vII of the CRTC telecommunications Rules of Procedure
Document: 051102.pdf - 963KB


Mise à jour : 2006-08-28

Date de modification :