2004-12-06 - #: 8690-S9-200414722 - Shaw Cablesystems Inc. - Demande afin d'obtenir une ordonnance permettant l'accès à la propriété municipale à Vancouver
2005-09-01 - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2005-12 Lettres concernant des demandes déposées en vertu de la partie VII et visant un accès municipal à la ville de Vancouver.
2005-11-30 - Law Department City of Vancouver
Description: Further to the letter to you dated October 28, 2005 from Jean Brazeau, Vice President, Telecommunications and Reulatory Affairs for Shaw Communications Inc.
Document: 051130.pdf - 97KO
2005-10-28 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: Further to the letter issued by the cRTC dated Sept. 1, 2005 in connection with the above referenced matter
Document: 051028.pdf - 61KO
2005-09-01 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Cablesystems Limited - Objet: Demande déposée en vertu de la partie VII par Shaw Cablesystems Limited visant à obtenir une ordonnance permettant l'access aux propriétés municipales de la ville de Vancouver
2005-02-08 - Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy on behalf of City of Vancouver
Description: We write further to the Reply of Shaw Cablesystems Limited ("Shaw") filed January 31, 2005.
Document: 050208.pdf - 70KO
2005-01-31 - McCarthy Tétrault on behalf of Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: Please find attached a copy of the Reply of Shaw Cablesystems Limited to the City's Answer dated 19 January 2005
Document: 050131.zip - 62KO
2005-01-19 - City of Vancouver
Description: Attached please find the Answer of the City of Vancouver dated January 19, 2005 to Shaw's Part VII Application filed December 6, 2004.
Document: 050119.zip - 6441KO
2004-12-30 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy - Objet: Demande présentée en vertue de la Partie VII par Shaw Cablesystems - Ville de Vancouver
2004-12-23 - Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy on behalf of City of Vancouver
Description: We are in receipt of a copy of Mr. Rawson's letter to you dated December 22, 2004. While certain of the matters raised in that letter require our immediate response, we will leave our substantive response to the jurisdictional issues raised by Mr. Rawson to be addressed in the City of Vancouver's (the "City") answer to Shaw Cablesystems' Part VII Application.
Document: 041223.pdf - 94KO
2004-12-22 - McCarthy Tétrault on behalf of Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: This letter is in response to the December 20, 2004 letter of Susan B. Horne requesting either a thirty day or two week extension in the deadline for filing an answer to Shaw's December 6, 2004 application.
Document: 041222.pdf - 109KO
2004-12-20 - Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy on behalf of City of Vancouver
Description: We have been retained by the City of Vancouver with respect to the Application pursuant to Part VII of the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure brought by Shaw Cablesystems Limited on December 6, 2004. We are writing to request a 30-day extension of the time allowed for filing and delivering the City of Vancouver's reply to the Application.
Document: 041220.pdf - 77KO
2004-12-06 - McCarthy Thétrault on behalf of Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: Please find attached a copy of an Application by the Applicant brought pursuant to Part VII of the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure. The Application requests an order by the Commission pursuant to subsections 42(1) and 43(4) of the Telecommunications Act granting the Applicant permission to access Vancouver municipal property for the purposes of constructing, operating and maintaining its transmission lines and related communications network facilities, subject to such conditions as to compensation or otherwise as the Commission determines
Document: 041206.zip - 3323KO
Mise à jour : 2005-12-05
- Date de modification :