2004-06-14 - Dossier #: 8665-S62-200405888 - County of Strathcona, etc... (the Applicants) - Demande d'accès à la base de données d'urgence 9-1-1 des compagnies ESLT dans le but de fournir un service d'avis à la communauté
2007-02-28 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-13 Le Conseil conclut qu'il est dans l'intérêt public d'autoriser les entreprises de services locaux titulaires à fournir les données du service 9-1-1 évolué pour offrir un service d'avis à la communauté par téléphone dans certaines circonstances, moyennant l'imposition de garanties appropriées, le respect d'exigences relatives aux avis et autres contraintes. Référence: 8665-C12-200507212 et 8665-S62-200405888
2005-06-22 - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2005-7 Le Conseil amorce une instance et sollicite des observations sur la pertinence d'autoriser l'utilisation de l'information contenue dans les bases de données d'urgence 9-1-1 des entreprises de services locaux titulaires dans le but de fournir un service d'avis à la communauté, et le cas échéant, dans quelles circonstances et avec quelles garanties. Référence : 8698-C12-200507212 et 8665-S62-200405888.
2005-03-14 - County of Strathcona, etc … (the Applicants)
Description: This letter is being filed on behalf of Strathcona County, the City of Fort Saskatchewan, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the City of Brandon, the New Brunswick – Department of Safety, Emergency Management Alberta, Emergency Management Ontario, the County of Essex and the City of Niagara Falls (collectively, the “Applicants”) with regard to the Applicants Part VII Application Requesting Access to the Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs) Emergency 9-1-1 Databases for the Purpose of Providing a Community Notification Service (“CNS”) filed June 6, 2004 (the “Application”), and the subsequent Reply Comments filed by the Applicants July 30, 2004 (the “Comments”).
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2004-07-30 - County of Strathcona, etc... (the Applicants)
Description: The following constitutes the Reply Comments filed on behalf of the Applicants
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2004-07-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Strathcona Emergency Services - Objet: Demande présentée en vertu de la Partie VII visant l'accès à la base de données d'urgence 9-1-1 des compagnies ESLT dans le but de fournir un service communautaire d'essai de marché - La prolongation est acceptée
2004-07-19 - County of Strathcona, etc… (the Applicants)
Description: Please find attached a copy of a request for extension in filing Reply Comments associated with the Part VII Application filed on behalf of the County of Strathcona (the Applicants)
Document: 040719.doc - 23KO
2004-07-14 - Aliant Telecm Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the provisions of the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedures the following comments are filed by Aliant.
Document: 040714.doc - 54KO
2004-07-14 - Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc., and Saskatchewan Telecommunications, (collectively, the Companies)
Description: The following constitutes the Answer of the Companies to the 14 June 2004 application of the County of Strathcona, the City of Fort Saskatchewan, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the City of Brandon, the New Brunswick - Department of Safety, Emergency Management Alberta, Emergency Management Ontario, the County of Essex and the City of Niagara Falls (collectively, the Applicants), filed pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, regarding access to the Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers' emergency 9-1-1 databases for the purpose of providing a Community Notification Service (the Application).
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2004-07-14 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: While TELUS is generally supportive of this Application, detailed comments are provided in the attachment.
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2004-07-14 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: The following submission is made in response to the Application of the County of Strathcona, the City of Fort Saskatchewan, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the City of Brandon, the New Brunswick-Department of Safety, Emergency Management Alberta, Emergency Management Ontario, the County of Essex and the City of Niagara Falls (the Applicants) noted above by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
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"Observations par ordre alphabétique"
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), Pat Vanini
Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness, Adrian Gordon
Canadian Council of Emergency Management Organizations (CCEMO),
C.R. (Chuck) Sanderson, Ernest McGillivray
City of Guelph, Lois A. Giles
City of Port Colborne, Janet Beckett
City of Sarnia, Mike Bradley
Council of the Town of Carman, Manitoba, Cheryl Young
District Municipality of Muskoka, Gord Adams
Dow Chemical Canada Inc., Steve Bolt
Emergency Management Alberta (EMA), Dave Redman
MacKay Emergency Management Consuslting Inc., William F. MacKay
Municipality of Port Hope, M. Rostetter
New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization, Ernest MacGillivray
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Heather Black
Regional Municipality of York, Russ Smye
Suncor's Sarnia Refinery, Kirk Bailey
Town of Essex (Council), J.E.Marion
Town of Fort Erie, Susan m. Daniels
Town of Pelham, Cheryl Miclete
2004-06-14 - County of Strathcona, etc… (the Applicants)
Description: The attached application is submitted pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, on behalf of the County of Strathcona, the City of Fort Saskatchewan, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the City of Brandon, the New Brunswick – Department of Safety, Emergency Management Alberta, Emergency Management Ontario, the County of Essex and the City of Niagara Falls (collectively, the Applicants).
Document: 040614.zip - 4998KO
Mise à jour : 2007-03-01
- Date de modification :