2003-11-05 - #: 8680-B2-200315996 - Bell Canada - Demande visant à surseoir la mise en oeuvre de la décision 2003-63
2005-03-15 - Retiré - Lettre du Conseil
2005-03-15 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet : Requête de Bell Canada pour retirer la demande au sujet de la révision et modification de la décision 2003-63 et la demande pour surseoir la décision de télécom 2003-63
2005-03-11 - Bell Canada
Description: In light of the events that have occurred since the time of the applications, Commission rulings on these applications are now unnecessary.
Document: 050311_4.doc - 63KO
2004-01-13 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of further reply comments dated 19 December 2003 and filed on behalf of Utilities Kingston, Telecom Ottawa, Hamilton Hydro Services Inc., FibreWired Burlington Hydro Communications and Enersource Telecom Inc. (the electrical utilities) in the above-noted application to review and vary a portion of Decision 2003-63, which was filed by the Company on 5 November 2003.
Document: 040113_1.doc - 76KO
2003-12-19 - Johnston & Buchan on behalf of the Telecom Utilities
Description: These further reply comments are submitted by Utilities Kingston, Telecom Ottawa Ltd., Hamilton Hydro Services Inc., FibreWired Burlington Hydro Communications and Enersource Telecom Inc. (collectively the Telecom Utilities) in response to Bell Canada's Reply Argument in the above-referenced proceeding.
Document: 031219.doc - 322KO
2003-11-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits the attached reply comments in support of its November 5, 2003 application to the Commission requesting a stay of paragraph 66 of Review of Bell Canada's Customer-Specific Arrangements Filed Pursuant to Telecom Decision 2002-76, Telecom Decision 2003-63, dated September 23, 2003, pending the disposition of the Company's application to the Commission to review and vary Part I of Decision 2003-63, also filed November 5, 2003.
Document: 031114_5.zip - 631KO
2003-11-12 - François D. Ménard
Description: Enclosed please find the following comments to Bell Canada's application dated 5 November 2003, for a stay of paragraph 66 of Telecom Decision 2003-63, Review of Bell Canada's Customer-Specific Arrangements
Document: 031112.doc - 50KO
2003-11-12 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc. & Allstream Corp.
Description: Enclosed please find Call-Net Enterprises Inc. and Allstream Corporation's comments to Bell Canada's application dated 5 November 2003
Document: 031112.zip - 29KO
2003-11-05 - Bell Canada
Description: Enclosed please find an application by Bell Canada requesting the Commission to review and vary a portion of Decision 2003-63 as well as a related application requesting a stay of Decision 2003-63 pending final disposition of the application for review.
Document: 031105_1.zip - 1490KO
Mise à jour : 2005-04-15
- Date de modification :