2003/05/27 - Dossier #: 8644-G7-200306763 - GT Group Telecom Services Corp. - Accès au service de câblage intérieur à lignes multiples (Memorial University of Newfoundland)

2003/07/08 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2003-271 Le Conseil approuve provisoirement le tarif mensuel de 1 $ par voie applicable à la location par GT Group Telecom Services Corp. (Group Telecom) de chacun des raccordements de câblage d'immeuble d'Aliant Telecom Inc. situés sur la propriété de la la Memorial University of Newfoundland (la MUN). Group Telecom a présenté une demande le 27 mai 2003, conformément à la partie VII des Règles de procédure du CRTC en matière de télécommunications, en vue d'obtenir un redressement provisoire accéléré dans le but de permettre l'accès au câblage en place à la MUN. Référence : 8644-G7-200306763. Entrée en vigueur : 08.07.03.

2003/07/30 - GT Group Telecom Services Corp.
Description: Group Telecom's response to a letter filed by Aliant, dated July 17, 2003, in relation to a Part VII Application filed by Group Telecom on May 27, 2003
Document: 030730.doc - 94KO

2003/07/22 - GT Group Telecom Services Corp.
Description: Group Telecom apologizes for a typographical error in its last letter to the Commission respecting the above-noted matter wherein we requested until August 30, 2003 to respond to Aliant's letter of July 17, 2003.
Document: 030722.doc - 43KO

2003/07/18 - GT Group Telecom Services Corp.
Description: GT Group Telecom Services Corp. ("Group Telecom") is in receipt of a letter from Aliant Telecom Inc. ("Aliant"), dated July 17, 2003, which was filed in connection with the above-referenced Part VII Application
Document: 030718.doc - 44KO

2003/07/17 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc. ("Aliant" or "the Company") is in receipt of new information which has not previously been part of the record of GT Group Telecom Services Corporation's ("Group Telecom") Part VII Application of 2003 05 27 ("the Application").
Documen: 030717.doc - 85KO

2003/06/16 - GT Group Telecom Services Corp.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Notice to the above-referenced Application, please find attached the abridged, non-confidential Reply comments of GT Group Telecom Services Corp.
Document: 030616.doc - 75KO

2003/06/11 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc. ("Aliant" or "the Company") is in receipt of an application from Group Telecom Services Corporation ("GT") dated 2003 05 27 filed under Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure. The following constitutes the Company's reply
Document: 030611.doc - 88KO

2003/06/10 - GT Group Telecom Services Corp.
Description: GT Group Telecom Services Corp.("Group Telecom") is in receipt of a letter from Mr. Paul Godin, Director, Competition & Technology, CRTC, dated 10 June 2003 regarding a proposal submitted by Aliant Inc. ("Aliant") on 6 June 2003 in connection with the above-referenced Part VII Application.
Document: 030610.doc - 44KO

2003/06/10 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Letter addressed to Aliant Telecom Inc. - Objet:  Demande en vertue de la Partie VII par GT vs Aliant - Accès au service de câblage intérieur à lignes multiples (Memorial University)

2003/06/06 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: This is further to both the Aliant Telecom Inc. ("Aliant" or "the Company") letter dated 2003 06 04 regarding the above identified application and discussions with Commission staff dated 2003 06 05
Document: 030606.doc - 49KO

2003/06/05 - GT Group Telecom Services Corp.
Description: GT Group Telecom Services Corp.("Group Telecom") is in receipt of a letter from Aliant Inc. ("Aliant") requesting disclosure and/or abridged versions of the Appendices to the above-referenced Part VII Application.
Document: 030605.doc - 42KO

2003/06/04 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Aliant Telecom submits a letter requesting disclosure of information re: Group Telecom Part VII Application concerning Access to Multi-line Inside Wire (Memorial University)
Document: 030604.doc - 49Ko

2003/05/27 - GT Group Telecom Services Corp.
Description: GT Group Telecom Services Corp.("Group Telecom" or the "Applicant") hereby files an application (the "Application") pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the "Rules") and sections 24, 27(2), 32, 40, 47, 60 and 61 of the Telecommunications Act requesting that the Commission direct Aliant Inc. to lease certain multi-line inside wire facilities located on the St. John's campus of the Memorial University of Newfoundland ("MUN").
Document: 030527.zip - 40KO

Mise à jour : 2003-08-05

Date de modification :