2001/07/10 - #: 8661-F14-01/01 - Faximum Software Inc. - Demande que le Conseil publie une ordonnance l'autorisant elle et ses abonnés à commander des circuits de sélection directe à l'arrivée (SDA) sans devoir respecter certaines contraintes imposées par Telus 

2001/12/20 - Ordonnance CRTC 2001-897 - Le CRTC rejette la demande de redressement présentée par Faximum concernant l'utilisation de circuits de sélection directe à l'arrivée pour les applications de télécopie. Référence : 8661-F14-01/01.

2001/12/14 - Faximum Software Inc.
Description: With respect to our Part VII Application (#: 8661-F14-01/01) we have received the proposal below from Telus to provide a Special Assembly while the CRTC is still considering our original application.
Document: 011214.htm - 2KO

2001/12/13 - TELUS Communications
Description: TELUS has reviewed your request for a single DID trunk to your location in Vancouver for the receipt of incoming facsimiles and has determined that it can offer you service as follows:
Document: 011213.htm - 4KO

2001/09/11 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission in its letter to TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS" or the "Company") on August 21, 2001, please find attached responses to interrogatories posed by the Commission.
010911.zip - 33KO

2001/08/21 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Lettre adressée à TELUS Communications Inc. - Objet:  La compagnie doit soumettre ses réponses aux questions attachées dans les 21 jours.

2001/08/20 - Faximum Software Inc.
Description: Reply to Telus letter dated 10 August 2001
010820.pdf - 32KO

2001/08/10 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. is in receipt of an application by Faximum Software Inc. ("Faximum"), dated July 10, 2001, and submitted to the Commission pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.
010810.zip - 39KO

2001/07/10 - Faximum Software Inc.
Description: Re: Requests that the Commission issue orders granting it and its customers the right to order Direct Inward Dialling (DID) Trunks from Telus without some of the contraints imposed by Telus.
010710.pdb - 4369KO

Mise à jour : 2002-05-03

Date de modification :