2009-05-22 - #: 8657-C12-200907751 - Notice of Consultation 2009-303 - Call for comments - Canadian ownership and control review procedure under section 16 of the Telecommunication Act

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Notice of Consultation 2009-303 Schedule


 Deadline Dates

Notice of intention to participate 2009-05-29
Comments 2009-06-08
Reply comments 2009-06-15

List of Related Documents

Section 1 - Commission Documents
a) Notices of Consultation, Decisions, etc.
b) List of Interested Parties
c) Correspondence to Parties

Section 2 - Documents from Globalive Wireless Management Corporation, TELUS Communications Company (TCC) and Shaw Communications Inc.
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply comments

Section 4 - Documents from Parties
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply comments

Section 8 - Miscellaneous Documents

a) Costs
b) Others

Section 1a) Notices of Consultation, Decisions, etc.

2010-05-28 - Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2009-428-1 Canadian ownership and control review policy – Amendment
File number: 8657-C12-200907751

2010-01-25 - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-32 Determination of costs award with respect to the participation of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre in the Telecom Notice of Consultation 2009-303 proceeding.
File numbers: 8657-C12-200907751 and 4754-353.

2009-07-20 - Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2009-428 Canadian ownership and control review policy
File number:  8657-C12-200907751

Section 1c) Correspondence to Parties

No documents

Section 2a) - Correspondence to the Commission

2009-06-24 - Globalive Wireless Management Corporation

Description: We have received a copy of the above-noted letter to the Commission, which was clearly filed in breach of the process specified in TNC 2009-303. (TELUS argues that it should be permitted to file this further reply, because Globalive did not file comments on June 8.

Document: 1232328.pdf - 25KB

2009-06-16 - Globalive Wireless Management Corporation
Description: I am writing with respect to a small procedural matter raised in Shaw Communications Inc. (“Shaw”)’s Reply letter. We did not receive this Reply, but were informed of it by other registered parties in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-303.
Document: 1227649.pdf - 45KB

2009-05-05 - Globalive Wireless Management Corporation
Description:  We have received the above noted letter, which provides a TELUS perspective of certain matters related to the ownership and control of Globalive Wireless Managment Corporation.
Document: 1207362.pdf - 134KB

2009-04-22 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description:  Shaw Communications is in receipt of TELUS' April 20, 2009 letter to the Commission requesting an open and transparent process be initiated to review whether Globalive Wireless Management Corporation is under Canadian ownership and control as is required by section 16 of the Telecommunications Act.
Document: 1207356.pdf - 33KB

2009-04-20 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  The purpose of this letter is to request an open and transparent process be initiated to review whether Globalive Wireless Management Corporation is under Canadian ownershp and control as is required by section 16 of the Telecommunications Act.
Document: 1157834.zip - 1148KB

Section 2b) Comments

2009-06-08 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: In the above-referenced Notice, the Commission has invited parties, which includes Shaw Communications Inc., to comment on whether it is appropriate in some instances for the Commission to conduct, under the Telecommunications Act, (the Act) Canadian ownership and control reviews on a public basis as opposed to a confidential basis.
Document: 1219849.doc - 309KB

2009-06-08 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS in correspondence dated April 20, 2009, requested that the Commission initiate an open and transparent process to determine whether Globalive Wireless Management Corporation (Globalive) is under Canadian ownership and control as is required by section 16 of the Telecommunications Act (the Act).
Document: 1219797.pdf - 53KB

Section 2c) Reply comments

2009-06-15 - Shaw Communications Inc.

Description: Shaw Communications Inc. (“Shaw”) is pleased to provide reply
comments with respect to the above-referenced Notice of Consultation.
Document: 1226904.pdf - 44KB

2009-06-15 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”), in correspondence dated 20 April 2009, requested that the Commission initiate an open and transparent process to determine whether Globalive Wireless Management Corporation (“Globalive”) is under Canadian ownership and control as is required by section 16 of the Telecommunications Act (“the Act”).
Document: 1226180.pdf - 50KB

2009-06-15 - Globalive Wireless Management Corporation
Description: These reply comments are filed on behalf of Globalive Wireless Management
Corporation (“Globalive”) in response to the comments filed in accordance with Telecom
Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-303 (“TNC 2009-303”, or the “Notice”).
Document: 1226157.pdf - 240KB

Section 4a) Correspondence to the Commission

No documents

Section 4b) Comments

2009-06-08 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) has intervened in CRTC proceedings for over 30 years on behalf of ordinary and vulnerable consumers of telecommunications services and products. PIAC participated in the review of the spectrum auction framework conducted by Industry Canada prior to the auction that resulted in the award of spectrum in March 2009 to Globalive Wireless Management Corporation (Globalive).
Document: 1220577.doc - 191KB

2009-06-08 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: In the above-referenced Telecom Notice of Consultation the Commission seeks comments on whether it should conduct a full public process to review the
Canadian ownership and control structure of Globalive Wireless Management
Document: 1220561.pdf - 179KB

2009-06-08 - Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership
Description: In accordance with the procedures established by the Commission in Call for comments - Canadian ownership and control review procedure under section 16 of the Telecommunications Act, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-303, the following constitutes the comments of Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership (Ciel) in the above-referenced proceeding.
Document: 1219930.pdf - 111KB

2009-06-08 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: These are the comments of MTS Allstream in the Commission proceeding initiated by Call for comments - Canadian ownership and control review procedure under section 16 of the Telecommunications Act, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-303, dated 22 May 2009.
Document: 1219744.pdf - 66KB

2009-06-08 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the process set out in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-303, Bell Canada is pleased to provide these comments on whether it is appropriate in some instances for Canadian ownership and review to be conducted on a public basis instead of on a confidential basis
Document: 1217926.zip - 35KB

2009-06-08 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: These comments are submitted by Rogers Communications in accordance with the procedures established in Telecom Notice of Consultation 2009-303
Document: 1217111.pdf - 58KB

2009-05-21 - Vishal Malik
Description:  TELUS Communications has reportedly requested CRTC to publicly examine the ownership structure of Globalive Wireless Management Corp.
Document: 1172535.pdf - 64KB

Section 4c) Reply comments

2009-06-15 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description: These reply comments are submitted on behalf of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), in response to the initial submissions made by interested parties in this proceeding.

Document: 1226925.doc - 180KB

2009-06-15 - MTS Allstream Inc.

Description: These are the reply comments of MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) in the Commission proceeding initiated by Call for comments – Canadian ownership and control review procedure under section 16 of the Telecommunications Act, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-303, dated 22 May 2009 (NC 2009-303).
Document: 1226128.pdf - 69KB

2009-06-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the process set out in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-303, Canadian ownership and control review procedure under section 16 of the Telecommunications Act, Bell Canada is pleased to provide these reply comments on whether it is appropriate in some instances for Canadian ownership and review to be conducted on a public basis instead of on a confidential basis.
Document: 1226113.zip - 31KB

2008-06-15 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: These reply comments are submitted by Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) in accordance with the procedures established in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-303 (PN 2009-303).
Document: 1225713.pdf - 51KB

Section 8a) Costs

2009-07-03 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups

Description: We are writing to submit our request for costs of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) in the above noted matter, together with our claim itself in accordance with s.44 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, and Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-303.

Document: 1239671.pdf - 461KB

Section 8b) Others

No documents

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