2007-05-10 - #: 8622-C6-200707317 - Cogeco Cable Inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Communications Inc. and Videotron Ltd., (the Cable Carriers) - Application to discontinue the application of the Winback rule for cable carriers' higher speed access service

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References: 8663-C12-200707870 - 8622-B2-200705254

2007-10-05 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-97 The Commission eliminates, effective the date of this Decision, the winback rules established in Order 2001-92 for higher speed access services applicable to large cable carriers, and in Telecom Decisions 2002-37 and 2003-1 for Digital Subscriber Line Internet services applicable to incumbent local exchange carriers. Reference: 8622-B2-200705254, 8622-C6-200707317, and 8663-C12-200707870.

2007-05-10 - Cogeco Cable Inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Communications Inc. and Videotron Ltd., (the Cable Carriers)
Description: The Cable Carriers request the immediate elimination of the Commission's Winback Rule for Cable Carriers' Higher Speed Access Service (the Cable Carrier Winback Rule), which was imposed by the Commission in Terms and rates approved for large cable carriers' higher speed access service - Follow-up to Order CRTC 2000-789, Telecom Decision CRTC 2001-92 (Decision 2001-92)
Document: 760457.pdf - 65KB

Date Modified: 2007-10-05

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