File using the On-line Services

2006-08-03 - #: 8638-C12-200616112 - Follow-up to Decision 2006-48 - Non-compliance of SaskTel to comply with the decision

NFAR = No Further Action Required

See reference: 8740-S22-200617110 (TN 129)

2007-01-21 - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-31 The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 63, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 128 and 129; TBayTel TNs 127 and 128; and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4263 (TCBC) and 577 (TCI). (streamlined order)

2006-12-11 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Re: Saskatchewan Telecommunications - 900 call blocking

Date Modified: 2007-03-30

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