File using the On-line Services
2005-09-02 - #: 8622-B2-200510463 - Bell Canada - Application requesting that the Commission modify the bundling rules governing Customer Specific Arrangements involving the provision of both tariffed and non-tariffed services
2007-08-17 - Telecom Decision 2007-74 - Bell Canada - Application to modify the rules for mixed Type 2 customer-specificarrangements. The Commission determines that, effective the date of this Decision, the tariff approval requirement and other rules applicable to Type 2 customer-specific arrangements that consist of both tariffed and non-tariffed services (mixed Type 2 CSAs) do not apply to such CSAs where the price of a mixed Type 2 CSA at least equals the sum of the rates of all its tariffed components. Reference: 8622-B2-200510463.
2007-02-20 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. is in receipt of the comments made by Bell Canada (Bell) and by Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) in response to the Commission staff letter of 20 January 2007, which invited parties to address the disposition, in light of the Policy Direction of the application made by Bell on 2 September 2005 to modify the bundling rules governing Type 2 Customer Specific Arrangements (CSAs)
Document: 725917.doc - 116KB
2007-02-20 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to your letter dated 30 January 2007 , Bell Canada is hereby providing additional reply comments in response to the additional comments filed by MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) on 13 February 2007, in the above-referenced matter.
Document: 725676.doc - 101KB
2007-02-20 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers is in receipt of comments from MTS Allstream and Bell Canada with respect to the proceeding noted above.
Document: 725646.pdf -160KB
2007-02-19 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers is in receipt of a letter dated 30 January 2007 from Commission staff inviting parties who filed comments in the proceeding initiated by the Bell Canada Application of 2 September 2005, to address "options to streamline the regulatory process for CSAs".
Document: 724727.pdf - 129KB
2007-02-13 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is in receipt of a letter dated 30 January 2007 from Commission staff inviting parties who filed comments in the proceeding initiated by the Bell Canada ( Bell ) Application of 2 September 2005 , to address "options to streamline the regulatory process for CSAs".
Document: 722265.doc - 118KB
2007-02-13 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of your letter, dated 30 January 2007 , asking parties to the above-referenced proceeding to provide additional comments in light of the Policy Direction
Document: 722264.doc - 153KB
2007-01-30 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Bell Canada Part VII - Requesting modification to the bundling rules governing Type 2 Customer Specific Arrangement (CSAs): Policy Direction
2005-10-27 - Bell Canada
Description: The following Reply Comments are filed on behalf of Bell Canada (or the Company) in response to comments submitted by parties concerning the Company's Application requesting that the Commission modify the bundling rules governing Customer Specific Arrangements (CSAs) involving the provision of both tariffed and non-tariffed services.
Document: 051027_1.doc - 150KB
2005-10-14 - Minister of Justice
Description: Enclosed please find intervener's submissions relating to the Part VII Application filed by Bell Canada on September 2, 2005 requesting that the Commission modify the bundling rules governed by Customer Specific Arrangements involving the provision of both tariffed and non-tariffed services.
Document: - 69KB
2005-10-06 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Department of Justice and Bell Canada - Re: Request for extension of time to file submissions relating to Bell Canada Part VII application requesting that the Commission modify the bundling rules governing CSAs
2005-10-04 - Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI)
Description: QMI is in receipt of the above-noted application, dated 2 September 2005. Comments of Quebecor Media Inc.
Document: 051004.doc - 40KB
2005-10-03 - Rogers Telecom Inc. and MTS Allstream Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: Pursuant to the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, this is the Answer of Rogers Telecom Rogers Telecom and MTS Allstream (together, the Competitors) filed in response to the Part VII application of Bell Canada (“Bell”), requesting that the Commission modify the bundling rules governing customer specific arrangements involving the provision of both tariffed and non-tariffed services (Mixed CSAs)(the Application).
Document: - 40KB
2005-10-03 - Papazian heisey Myers on behlaf of At&T Global Services Canada Co.
Description: PAPAZIAN HEISEY MYERS, on behalf of AT&T Global Services Canada Co. (AT&T Canada), hereby provides the following comments on the above noted Bell Canada Part VII Application
Document: 051003.doc - 45KB
2005-10-03 - Xit Télécom inc.
Description: Xit télécom inc., en son nom ainsi qu’au nom de Télécommunications Xittel inc., et de 9141-9077 Québec inc. (Xit télécom) vous fait part de ses commentaires en relation avec la requête de Bell Canada citée en rubrique
Document: 051003.doc - 108KB
2005-10-03 - Department of Justice
Description: I am councel within the Civil Litigation Branch of the Department of Justice. I write with respect to the above-referenced application made by Bell Canada
Document: 051003.pdf - 52KB
2005-09-29 - Coalition for Competitive Telecommunications
Description: The following constitutes the comments of the Coalition in respect to an Application dated September 2, 2005 and filed by Bell Canada.
Document: 050929.pdf - 40KB
2005-09-02 - Bell Canada
Description: This applications is filed by Bell Canada to request that the Commission modify the bundling rules governing Customer Specific Arrangement (CSA's)
Document: Document: 050902.doc -2192KB - - 851KB - - 238KB
Date Modified: 2007-08-17
- Date modified: