Dryden Municipal Telephone System: 8643-D3-200316481

PIC/CARE Access Customer Handbook 

2004/01/19 - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-27 The Commission approves, subject to some amendments, Dryden Municipal Telephone System's Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Customer Handbook submitted on 3 November 2003. Reference: 8643-D3-200316481.

2004/01/20 - Dryden Municipal Telephone System
Description:  Please find enclosed a copy the Dryden Municipal Telephone Systems's PIC/CARE Access Customer Hanbook for placement in the public examination room.
Document: 040120.pdf - 3740KB

2003/11/03 - Dryden Municipal Telephone System
Description:  Dryden hereby submits a revised copy of its Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customers Account Record Exchange (PIC/CARE) Handbook to the Commission for its approval.
Document: 031103.pdf - 3890KB

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