Norouestel Inc. - AMT 937 et 937/A - 8740-N1-201513838

Tarif des services d'accès - Régions d’interconnexion locale - 2015-12-17 et 2016-02-05

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2016-02-25 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2016-71 - Norouestel Inc. – Modifications du tarif d’interconnexion des réseaux Numéro de dossier : Avis de modification tarifaire 937 et 937A

2016-02-03 - Northwestel Inc.
Description : On December 17. 2015, Northwestel filed proposed tariff changes to update its Network Interconnection Tariff CRTC 21481, Item 100.F in order to update the Local Interconnection Region (LIR) Tariff to include exchanges that have been added to LIRs in the last 14 months as a result of network projects completed under the Modernization Plan.
Document : 2534564.pdf - 81 Ko

2016-02-03 - Iristel Inc.
Description : Iristel Inc. (“Iristel”) is in receipt of Northwestel Inc.’s (“Northwestel”) Tariff Notice 937 (“TN 937”). Iristel is hereby providing brief comments on some confusing aspects of Northwestel’s proposed amendments to its local interconnection tariff.
Document : 2533067.pdf - 767 Ko

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