Rogers Communications Partnership - AMT 36 - 8740-R28-201403105

Service d'accès Internet de tiers - 2014-04-10

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2014-05-14 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2014-234 Ordonnance simplifiée
Le Conseil approuve provisoirement les demandes tarifaires suivantes : 
AMT 35 et 36 de Rogers Communications Partnership

2014-06-09 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) has reviewed Rogers’ reply to CNOC’s intervention and request for disclosure letters dated May 20, 2014 in TN 36 and wishes to make a correction to these previous submission. In its replies to these submissions, Rogers has correctly identified a drafting problem with the CNOC request for an opportunity to respond to any additional information that may be provided by Rogers as a result of CNOC’s request for disclosure of information.
document: 2144663.pdf - 32 Ko

2014-05-27 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a letter dated May 20, 2014 from the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) entitled “Request for Disclosure of Information”requesting disclosure of information filed by Rogers in the Report on the Economic Evaluation for Third Party Internet Access (“TPIA”) Service Monthly End-User Access Rates (“Cost Study”) associated with TN 36 filed on April 10, 2014. This submission is Rogers’ response to the CNOC letter.
Document: 2138596.pdf - 90 Ko

2014-05-27 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description : Rogers Communications Partnership (-Rogers-) herein files our reply comments associated with Rogers’ Tariff Notice 36 (-TN 36-) responding to comments received on May 20, 2014 from CNOC Inc (-CNOC-). Rogers has not received an intervention from any other party on this Tariff Notice.
Document : 2137870.pdf - 74 Ko

2014-05-20 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description : Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) has reviewed Rogers TN 36 and the Economic Evaluation dated April 10, 2014 (the “Cost Study”) in support of the rates proposed in TN 36.
Document : - 94 Ko

2014-05-20 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description : Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. ("CNOC") has reviewed Rogers TN 36 and the Economic Evaluation dated April 10, 2014 (the "Cost Study") in support of the rates proposed in TN 36.
Document : 2133952.pdf - 43 Ko

2014-05-12 - Lettre du procédurale
Dossier #: 8740-R28-201403105
Description : Lettre adressée à Consortium des opérateurs de réseaux canadiens inc.Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 36 de Rogers Communications Partnership – Demande de prorogation du délai pour dépôt d’interventions

2014-05-09 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description : CNOC requests an extension to May 20, 2014 to file its intervention with respect to Rogers Tariff Notice ("TN") 36.
Document : 2128502.pdf - 24 Ko

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