Ontera (anciennement O.N. Telcom) - AMT 129 - 8740-O31-201309956

Tarif des services d'accès des entreprises - Tarifs applicables au raccordement direct - 2013-06-28

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2013-11-07 - Ordonnances de télécom CRTC - 2013-594 Tarifs des services de raccordement direct de certaines petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires
Numéros de dossiers : AMT 74 d’Amtelecom; AMT 52 de DMTS; AMT 73 de KMTS; AMT 360 de NorthernTel; AMT 128 et 129 d’Ontera; AMT 79 de People’s Tel; AMT 168 de TBayTel

2013-07-26 - Ontera
Description : Consistent with analysis and determinations of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (“CRTC”) at paragraphs 98 and 99 of Telecom Regulatory Policy 2013-160, Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters (“TRP 2013-160”) issued 28 March 2013, Ontera filed tariff notices 128 and 129 on 27 June 2013 and 28 June 2013 respectively wherein it proposed to revise its direct connection (“DC”) rates applicable at the time of filing to those of TELUS Quebec as referenced by the CRTC in Telecom Order 2012-312, Telus Communications Company – Revised toll interconnection rates in Quebec (“Order 2012-312”). In its filings, Ontera proposed an effective date of 1 July 2013.
Document : 1947087.pdf - 148KO

2013-07-25 - Allstream
Description : Allstream Inc. (Allstream) is in receipt tariff notices filed by Amtelecom Limited Partnership (Amtelecom) Tariff Notice TN 74 , Dryden Municipal Telecom System (DMTS) Tariff Notice TN 52 , Kenora Municipal Telecom System (KMTS) Tariff Notice TN 73 , NorthernTel Limited Partnership (NorthernTel) Tariff Notice TN 360 , Ontera Tariff Notice TN 128 and Tariff Notice TN 129 , People’s Tel Limited Partnership (People’s) Tariff Notice TN 79 and TBayTel Tariff Notice TN 168.
Document : 1946517.doc - 118KO

2013-07-12 - TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”)
Description : TELUS has reviewed Tariff Notices 128 and 129 filed by Ontera on June 27 and June 28, 2013, respectively (individually “TN 128” and “TN 129”, collectively, “TN 128-129”). In its cover letters, Ontera states that pursuant to Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-160: Ontera proposes revisions to Ontera Access Services Tariff 25521, Item 40 – Interconnecting Circuits with Trunk-Side Access. The revisions are proposed in accordance with paragraph 99 of Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters – Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-160, 28 March 2013 (“TRP 2013-160”). 1
Document : 1941737.pdf - 155KO

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