Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership - AMT 452 - 8740-B54-201309758
Tarif général - Forfait accès local - 2013-07-05
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2013-07-19 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description : Pursuant to the procedure set out by the Commission's staff letter dated 17 July 2013, Bell Aliant and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) are attaching revised Tables 1 and 2 to replace those filed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the Attachment to Bell Aliant Tariff Notice (TN) 452 and Bell Canada TN 7397.
Document : - 87KO
2013-07-17 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8740-B2-201309774
Description : Lettre adressée à Bell Aliant et Bell Canada - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 452 de Bell Aliant et avis de modification tarifaire 7397 de Bell Canada – Forfait Accès local et forfait Accès local – frais de service
- Date de modification :