Rogers Cable Communications Inc. - AMT 30 - 2012-11-07 - # 8740-R28-201214205

Tarif des services d'accès -Services d'accès Internet de tiers (AIT) haute vitesse

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Référence: 8661-C182-201214270

2013-01-31 - Ordonnances de télécom CRTC 2013-37 Rogers Communications Partnership – Dénormalisation de certaines vitesses du service d’accès Internet de tiers de gros
Numéros de dossiers : AMT 29 et 30

2012-12-20 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Discription: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) hereby files its Reply to comments received from CNOC Inc. dated December 7, 2012.
Document: 1812357.pdf - 53KO

2012-12-07 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Discription: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is in receipt of Tariff Notice 30 (“TN 30”) filed by Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”). In TN 30, Rogers proposed to withdraw Rogers’ current aggregated POI 75 Mbps TPIA offerings for new retail end-user orders of TPIA customers effective 14 January 2013. Existing retail end-users of these service speeds would be grandfathered.
Document: 1808582.pdf - 20KO

2012-11-16 - Murphy, Teresa
Discription: I’m filing this as a concerned citizen, as well as a customer of a TPIA provider. I have a direct interest in this process as depending on how the Commission rules on this Tariff Notice, it could enable myself and other Canadians to be able to create Canadian Content to a much higher degree, but it could also increase my monthly internet costs.
Document: - 333KO

2012-11-12 - Vaxination Informatique
Discription: Vaxination Informatique is in receipt of the Rogers tariff notices 28-29-30 which concern TPIA service speed changes and has been made aware today via Twitter of a CNOC Part-1 requesting immediate action on the issues raised by TN-28-29-30 and offers some comments.
Document: 1796627.pdf - 590KO

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