Norouestel Inc. - AMT 884/A - Modification - 2012-04-20 - # 8740-N1-201204065

Service de raccordement de gros

Norouestel Inc. - AMT 884 - ESLC - 2012-04-02 - # 8740-N1-201204065

Service de raccordement de gros

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2012-07-25 - Ordonnances de télécom CRTC 2012-401 Norouestel inc. – Tarif d’interconnexion des réseaux locaux
Numéros de dossiers : AMT 884 et 884A

2012-06-26 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Northwestel Inc. - Objet: Avis de modification tarifaire 884 – Interconnexion de réseaux locaux

2012-06-01 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel (or “the Company”) is in receipt of comments dated 22 May 2012 from TELUS with regard to Northwestel’s proposed Local Network Interconnection tariffs filed on April 2, 2012. The following constitutes the Company's response.
Document: 1724763.pdf - 85KO

2012-05-22 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) has reviewed Tariff Notice 884 (“TN 884”) and Tariff Notice 884A (“TN884A”) filed by Northwestel Inc. (“NWTel”) on 2 April 2012 and 20 April 2012, respectively (together “TN 884/A”).
Document: 1720259.pdf - 116KO

2012-05-14 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel (or “the Company”) is in receipt of comments dated 2 May 2012 from SSI Micro with regard to Northwestel’s proposed Local Network Interconnection tariffs filed on April 2, 2012. Northwestel also received comments from the Utilities Consumers’ Group (UCG) on May 8th. It is Northwestel’s understanding that interveners were required to file comments by May 4th, pursuant to the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure (the Rules).
Document: 1719031.pdf - 54KO

2012-05-04 - Utilities Consumers’ Group
Description: UCG has reviewed the above Northwestel proposed tariffs and the response of SSi Group of Companies and we would like to make the following comments.
Document: 1715663.pdf - 32KO

2012-05-02 - SSI Group of Companies
Description: In accordance with Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-455,“Approval processes for tariff applications and intercarrier agreements”, following are the comments of the SSi Group of Companies (“SSi”) on Northwestel’s Tariff Notice no. 884 (“TN 884”) and Tariff Notice no. 884A (“TN 884A”) (TN 884 and TN 884A collectively referred to as TN 884, as context requires) with respect the introduction of Northwestel’s Local Network Interconnection Tariff, CRTC 21481, Item 100, Local Interconnection and Component Unbundling
Document: 1713159.pdf - 218KO

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