2006-08-28 - #8740-S22-200610909 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications Inc.  (SaskTel) - AMT 120 - Tarif des services d'accès - Introduction du service autonome

2007-02-02 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2007-36 Le Conseil rejette une demande présentée par Saskatchewan Telecommunications, datée du 28 août 2006, dans laquelle la compagnie proposait des modifications à son Tarif des services d'accès des concurrents afin d'y introduire l'article 650.09, Service autonome. Référence : AMT 120.

2006-12-19 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Description: On 28 August 2006 , Saskatchewan Telecommunications, (SaskTel), submitted TN 120 which proposed the introduction of Stand Alone Porting service.
Document: 703814.doc - 64KO

2006-11-30 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à SaskTel - Objet: Avis de modification tarifaire 120 - Service autonome

2006-10-10 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Description: In accordance with Section 33 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) is filing this reply to comments filed in response to SaskTel Tariff Notice 120 (TN120).
677496.doc - 64KO

2006-09-21 - Rogers Wireless Partnership
Description:  Rogers Wireless Partnership (Rogers) is in receipt of SaskTel Communications (SaskTel) Tariff Notice No. 120 (TN 120) and an abridged version on an associated cost study.
- 119KO

2006-09-14 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Description: On 28 August 2006 Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) filed for approval of Tariff Notice 120 (TN120) Stand Alone Porting.
665801.doc - 40KO

2006-09-11 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description:  Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is pleased to provide the following comments in regards to SaskTel Tariff Number 120 (TN 120), filed on August 28, 2006 and for which interim approval is sought effective September 11, 2006.
663422.doc - 57KO

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