2005-01-07 - #8740-N1-200500191 - Norouestel Inc. - AMT 817  - Tarif des services spéciaux - Tarifs d'occupation pour les sites radio

2005-04-15 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2005-143 Le Conseil approuve une demande présentée par Norouestel Inc. le 7 janvier 2005, en vue de réviser les frais mensuels minimums applicables à l'alimentation en courant alternatif (CA) par site de la façon suivante : remplacer le taux fixe de 10,90 $ par un taux de 0,33 $ par watt et imposer des frais mensuels minimums de 198,00 $ pour une alimentation en CA de 600 watts.
Référence : AMT 817. Entrée en vigueur = 15.04.05.

2005-03-02 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In response to Mr. Wintemute's comments dated February 14, Northwestel notes that the purpose of this Tariff filing is to find a more reasonable and equitable minimum power charge on AC power circuits. Northwestel reiterates its comments from February 14th, 2005.
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2005-02-14 - Yukon Government
Description: The Yukon Government's interest in this matter is not necessarily related to the impact this tariff will have on the Government. The Government's interest is related to the impact this tariff may have to the extension of services to remote and rural areas, now and in the future. Northwestel's microwave sites can and should be an asset to Yukon by supporting economic development opportunities but, for this to happen, the cost of site access must be reasonable.
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2005-02-02 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel is in receipt of e-mail correspondence from Mr. Phil Wintemute of YTG to the Commission with regards to the Company's TN 817. The following constitutes Northwestel's response.
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2005-01-20 - Correspondance au Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Lettre adressée à Norouestel Inc. - Object:  Veuillez répondre aux commentaires de M. Wintemute.

2005-01-20 - Yukon Government
Description: In Northwestel Inc.'s letter to the Commission dated 07 January 2005 regarding Tariff Notice No. 817.
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