2002/02/15 - #8740-N3-0171/02 - Northern Telephone Limited - AMT 171 - Tarif des services d'accès - Circuits d'interconnexion avec accès côté réseau - Frais de réseau

2002/07/22 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2002-41 - Demande de Northern Telephone Limited Partnership visant à majorer le tarif de son service de raccordement direct. Dans la présente décision, le Conseil rejette la demande déposée par Northern Telephone Limited (maintenant Northern Telephone Limited Partnership) en vue de majorer de 0,00370 $ à 0,00944 $ la minute le tarif provisoire applicable à son service de raccordement direct. Référence : Avis de modification tarifaire 171.

2002/04/10 - Northern Telephone Limited ("Northern")
Description: Northern Telephone Limited ("Northern") is in receipt of a letter from O.N.Telcom dated February 26, 2001 in which O.N.Telcom state they will file comments with respect to Northern's Tariff Notice 171.
020410.doc - 120KO

2002/03/18 - O.N.Telcom
Description: Further to O.N.Telcom's letter of 26 February 2002, this letter is to advise that the company has reviewed the above noted tariff notice application filed by Northern Telephone Limited ("NTL"). The company filed its comments with respect to NTL's TN No. 171 as part of O.N.Telcom's application dated 11 March 2002 in which it seeks a review and variance of Decisions CRTC 2001-583 and 2001-756. O.N.Telcom requests that the Commission refer to the 11 March 2002 application for its comments.
020318.doc - 26KO

2002/02/26 - O.N.Telcom
Description: Request by the Company to the Commission to refrain from considering TN171 until O.N.Telcom has an opportunity to file a submission detailing it's concerns.
020226.doc - 1KO

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