Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) - TN 280 - 8740-S22-201306225

General Tariff - Ethernet Access Service - 2013-04-18

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2013-10-31 - Telecom order CRTC 2013-579 Saskatchewan Telecommunications – Ethernet Access Service
File number: TN 280

2013-08-29 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (“SaskTel”) has had conversations with CRTC staff regarding apparent errors in the documentation filed in support of SaskTel Tariff Notice 280 (“TN280”).
Document: - 149KB

2013-07-30 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) is in receipt of Comments provided by the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) on the above noted tariff filing.  The following constitutes SaskTel’s Reply to the Comments of CNOC. Failure by SaskTel to address any assertion made does not constitute agreement with the assertion where such agreement is not in the interests of SaskTel.
Document: 1948832.doc - 72KB

2013-07-25 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is hereby filing this intervention with respect to Saskatchewan Telecommunications (“SaskTel”) Tariff Notice 280 (“TN 280”), in which SaskTel is proposing to offer rate elements for rate bands E and G in the 100 Mbps Ethernet Access Service and rate bands C, E and G for the 1000 Mbps Service.
Document: 1945826.pdf - 22KB

2013-07-15 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to CNOC and Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Re: Saskatchewan Telecommunications Tariff Notice 280 - Ethernet Access Service

2013-06-13 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (“SaskTel”) is in receipt of your letter of 3 June 2013, directing SaskTel to provide a complete response to the requests made by the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) in a 2 May 2013, letter regarding SaskTel’s Tariff Notice 280 (“TN280”).
Document: - 165KB

2013-06-03 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Saskatchewan Telecommunications  - RE: Saskatchewan Telecommunications Tariff Notice 280 - Ethernet Access Service

2013-05-14 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: The attached revised price floor test is filed in response to your letter of 30 April 2013. In that letter, you requested that Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) revise the price floor test accompanying our Tariff Notice 280 (TN 280), to display a revised price floor test by band and by speed for the proposed rates by 15 May 2013. Subsequent discussion with staff led SaskTel to use the format followed in SaskTel Tariff Notice 69 (TN69), the most recent tariff filing related to SaskTel’s Ethernet Access service which had been accompanied by a price floor test.
Description: - 126KB

2013-05-03 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (“SaskTel”) is in receipt of a letter from Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”), regarding SaskTel’s TN280. TN280 is filed by SaskTel as an expansion of the availability of the 1G Access component of SaskTel’s Retail Ethernet Access service to rate bands C, E and G and of the 100Mbps Access component to rate bands E and G. 
Description: 1902432.docx - 55KB

2013-05-02 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) has become aware of Saskatchewan Telecommunications (“SaskTel”) Tariff Notice 280 (“TN 280”), in which SaskTel is proposing to offer rate elements for rate bands E and G in the 100 Mbps Ethernet Access Service and rate bands C, E and G for the 1000 Mbps Service.
Document: 1902145.pdf - 20KB

2013-04-30 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Saskatchewan Telecommunications - RE:  Saskatchewan Telecommunications Tariff Notice 280 - Ethernet Access Service

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