Rogers Cable Communications Inc. - TN 28 - 2012-11-07 - # 8740-R28-201214171

Access Service Tariff - Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) Service

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Reference: 8661-C182-201214270

2012-12-21 - Telecom orders CRTC 2012-706 Rogers Communications Partnership – Introduction of four new wholesale Third Party Internet Access service speeds
File number: TN 28

2013-05-31 - Cogeco Câble inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of the 29 May 2013 letter filed with the Commission by the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) in which CNOC requests that the Commission order the Cable Carriers, namely Cogeco, Rogers Communications Partnership and Videotron Ltd., to file within thirty (30) days cost studies with respect to third party Internet access speed tiers currently subject to interim rates, along with a determination ordering that no retroactive rate adjustment applies to these associated speed tiers.
Document: 1918745.pdf - 68KB

2013-05-31 - Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”)
Discription: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a letter to the Commission dated May 29, 2013 from the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) regarding Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) Tariff Notices (“TN”) 25 and 28. The following are Rogers’ comments on this letter.
Document: 1918512.pdf - 56KB

2012-05-29 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is filing this submission with respect to Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) Tariff Notice (“TN”) 25, Rogers TN 28, Cogeco Cable Inc. (“Cogeco”) TN 37 and Videotron Ltd. (“Videotron”) TN 48.
Document: 1918118.pdf - 31KB

2012-11-28 - Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”)
Description: In its letter dated November 13, 2012, Commission staff sought comments on Rogers Communications Partnership’s (“Rogers”) proposal in TN 28 to determine interim rates for 35, 45 and 150 Mbps speeds by pro-rating the $1.69 difference in the approved rates for 25 Mbps and 50 Mbps speeds to these new speeds. Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) is in receipt of comments from CNOC Inc., Vaxination Informatique (“Vaxination”) and Teresa Murphy on this proposal as well on Rogers TN 28 in general. Rogers herein provides its Reply dealing first with the specific matter for which the Commission sought comments and then with the other matters raised by interveners.
Document: 1802777.pdf - 82KB

2012-11-20 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Discription: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is in receipt of Tariff Notice 28 (“TN 28”) filed by Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”). In TN 28, Rogers proposed to determine the rates for new 25, 35, 45 and 150 Mbps speeds by pro-rating the $1.69 difference in the approved rates for 25 Mbps and 50 Mbps speeds to these new speeds.
Document: 1798410.pdf - 97KB

2012-11-20 - Vaxination Informatique
Discription: Pursuant to the Commission’s November 13th letter, Vaxination Informatique provides its comments on Rogers’ TN-28 tariff request with regards to the setting of rates. These comments supplement those entered in Vaxination’s November 12th letter on this and the CNOC Part-1 files.
Document: 1798413.pdf - 580KB

2012-11-16 - Murphy, Teresa
Discription: I’m filing this as a concerned citizen, as well as a customer of a TPIA provider. I have a direct interest in this process as depending on how the Commission rules on this Tariff Notice, it could enable myself and other Canadians to be able to create Canadian Content to a much higher degree, but it could also increase my monthly internet costs.
Document: - 333KB

2012-11-16 - Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”)
Discription: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) herein files its comments on a letter dated November 8, 2012 received from CNOC Inc. addressing Rogers Tariff Notice 28 (“TN 28”) pursuant to the process established in the CRTC staff letter dated November 9, 2012.
Document: 1796504.pdf - 73KB

2012-11-13 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Company name - Re:  Tariff Notice 28 from Rogers Communications Partnership

2012-11-12 - Vaxination Informatique
Discription: Vaxination Informatique is in receipt of the Rogers tariff notices 28-29-30 which concern TPIA service speed changes and has been made aware today via Twitter of a CNOC Part-1 requesting immediate action on the issues raised by TN-28-29-30 and offers some comments.
Document: 1796627.pdf - 590KB

2012-11-08 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Discription: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is in receipt of Tariff Notice 28 (“TN 28”) filed with the Commission yesterday by Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”). TN 28 raises immediate and serious issues of competitive equity which if left unaddressed will cause serious harm to independent ISPs and consumers. For this reason, CNOC is bringing this application for the Commission to require Rogers to comply, on an expedited, basis with Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-77 (“Decision 2006-77”) and increase immediately the 18 Mbps, 28 Mbps and 32 Mbps service speeds offered to its third party Internet access (“TPIA”) customers to 25 Mbps, 35 Mbps and 45 Mbps, respectively, with no price increase, for both disaggregated and aggregated points of interconnection (“POIs”).
Document: 1796713.pdf - 24KB

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