Globalive Wireless Management Corp. - TN 1 - 2012-02-14 - # 8740-G44-201201764

Access services tariff

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2012-05-31 - Telecom orders CRTC 2012-318 Globalive Wireless Management Corp. – Application to introduce an Access Services Tariff
File number: TN 1

2012-04-19 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Globalive Wireless Management Corp. WIND Mobile - Re:  Tariff Notice 1 – Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (WIND Mobile) Access Service Tariff Notice 1

2012-03-27 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (WIND Mobile)
Description: On February 14, 2012, Globalive Wireless Management Corp. operating as WIND Mobile ("WIND Mobile") filed its Access Tariff Notice 1 ("TN1"). Comments were received from Rogers Communications Partnership ("Rogers") and TELUS Communications Company ("TELUS"). The following constitute the reply comments of WIND Mobile.
Document: 1693812.pdf - 53KB

2012-03-15 - TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”)
Description: On February 14, 2012, Globalive Wireless Management Corp. operating as WIND Mobile (“WIND Mobile”) filed its Access Tariff Notice 1 (“TN1”). The following are the comments of TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) with respect to TN1.
Document: 1687095.pdf - 149KB

2012-03-15 - Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”)
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a tariff notice (TN 1) filed by WIND Mobile on February 14, 2012, to introduce its CLEC Access Services Model Tariff. In accordance with the procedures identified at paragraph 19 of Telecom Information Bulletin 2010-455, Approval processes for tariff applications and intercarrier agreements, the following are Rogers’ comments on WIND Mobile’s TN 1.
Document: 1686779.pdf - 70KB

2012-02-28 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Globalive Wireless Management Corp. WIND Mobile - Re: Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (WIND Mobile) Access Service Tariff Notice 1

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