CoopTel - TN 71/A - Amendment - 2012-02-28 - # 8740-C41-201201318

Service Tariff - Proposed tarif (Access Services Tariff for Local Network Interconnection)

CoopTel - TN 71 - Access - 2011-02-02 - # 8740-C41-201201318

Service Tariff - Proposed tarif (Access Services Tariff for Local Network Interconnection)

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2012-07-09 - Telecom order CRTC 2012-369 CoopTel – Access Services Tariff for Local Network Interconnection
File numbers: TNs 71 and 71A

2012-05-02 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-C41-201201318
Description: Letter addressed to CoopTel - Re: Tariff Notice 71 - Access Services Tariff for Local Network Interconnection

2012-04-19 - CoopTel
Description: Ceci fait suite à l’avis de modification tarifaire numéro 71 de CoopTel daté le 2 février 2012 ainsi que l’AMT-71A daté du 28 février et de l’intervention de Telus dans sa lettre au Conseil du 29 mars 2012.
Document: 1708024.pdf - 74KB

2012-04-05 - Commission Letter - French Version only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to CoopTel - Re:  Tariff Notice 71 – Access Services Tariff for Local Network Interconnection

2012-04-03 - CoopTel
Description: Ceci fait suite à l’avis de modification tarifaire numéro 71 de CoopTel daté le 2 février 2012 ainsi que l’AMT-71A daté du 28 février et de l’intervention de Telus dans sa lettre au Conseil du 29 mars 2012.
Document: 1701079.pdf - 47KB

2012-03-29 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) has reviewed CoopTel’s Tariff Notice 71 (“TN 71”) filed on 2 February 2012, as amended on 28 February 2012 (“TN 71A”), (together, the “CoopTel TN”), in which it proposes to introduce a new tariff section for local network interconnection (“LNI”) in its ILEC territory
Document: 1697666.pdf - 123KB

2012-02-16 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to CoopTel - Re:  Tariff Notice 71 – Access Services Tariff for Local Network Interconnection

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