Bell Canada - TN 7372: 8740-B2-201215541
Carrier Access Tariff - Co-location Arrangements for Interconnecting Canadian Carriers and Digital Subscriber Line Service Providers (DSLSPs) - 2012-12-06
Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.
2013-11-22 - Telecom order CRTC 2013-626 Bell Canada and TELUS Communications Company – Introduction of higher-capacity links between interconnecting carriers
File numbers: Bell Canada TN 7372; TCBC TN 4357; TCC TN 438; TCI TN 644
2013-06-28 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is in receipt of comments filed by Bell Canada (“Bell”) and Globility Communications Corporation (“Globility”) on 21 June 2013 with respect to Tariff Notice 7372 (“TN 7372”). Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated 7 June 2013, the following constitute CNOC’s written reply comments. CNOC is in agreement with the reasons provided by GCC in its comments for supporting CNOC’s approach to TN 7372 and response to CNOC(CRTC)7Jun13-1. The failure by CNOC to address any argument or issue raised by Bell in its comments should not be construed as acquiescence where doing so would be contrary to CNOC’s interests.
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2013-06-21 - Bell Canada
Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of responses filed on 7 June 2013 by the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) to Commission staff requests for additional information regarding the above-noted Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN).
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2013-06-21 - Globility Communications Corporation (“Globility”)
Description: Globility Communications Corporation (“Globility”) is in receipt of interrogatory responses of Bell Canada (“Bell”) and the Canadian Network Operators Consortium (“CNOC”) dated 14 June 2013. Pursuant to the Commission’s 7 June 2013 letter, Globility hereby files its comments.
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2013-06-21 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is in receipt of the interrogatory responses filed by Bell Canada (“Bell”) on 14 June 2013 with respect to Tariff Notice 7372 (“TN 7372”). Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated 7 June 2013, the following constitute CNOC’s written comments.
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2013-06-14 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is hereby filing its responses to the interrogatories posed to it by Commission staff in correspondence dated 7 June 2013 with respect to Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7372.
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2013-06-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in a staff letter dated 7 June 2013, please find attached Bell Canada's responses to the Commission staff's requests for information posed to them in the staff’s 7 June 2013 letter.
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2013-06-07 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-B2-201215541
Description: Letter addressed to CNOC - Re: Outstanding Rating Issues of Tariff Notice 7372 from Bell Canada – Introduction an Interconnecting Carrier to Interconnecting Carrier (IC-to-IC) interconnection links at 1000 Mbps
2013-06-07 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-B2-201215541
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Outstanding Rating Issues of Tariff Notice 7372 from Bell Canada
2013-05-06 - Bell Canada
Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of comments submitted 26 April 2013 by the Canadian Network Operators Consortium (CNOC) regarding the Company's response to Bell Canada(CRTC)2Apr13-3 TN 7372. In its submission, CNOC requests that the Commission direct the Company to perform the revised costing study requested in part a) of that question (i.e., a costing study that in part assumes the provisioning of an unshaped IC-to-IC link at 1000 Mbps using a fibre patch cord between the two terminations on the Fibre Management System (FMS)).
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2013-04-26 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is in receipt of the interrogatory responses filed
by Bell Canada (“Bell”) on 22 April 2013 with respect to Tariff Notice 7372 (“TN 7372”).
Document: 1897858.pdf - 23KB
2013-04-22 - Bell Canada
In accordance with the Commission staff letter dated 12 April 2013, Bell Canada (or the Company) is filing its responses to the requests for information it received from Commission staff in a letter dated 2 April 2013 in relation to its proposal to introduce a 1000 Mbps interconnecting carrier to interconnecting carrier (IC-to-IC) cross-interconnection link (Tariff Notice 7372).
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2013-04-12 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7372 – Extension Request for Responses to Requests for Information
2013-04-10 - Bell Canada
Description: In a Commission staff letter dated 2 April 2013, Commission staff posed a number of requests for information to Bell Canada (or the Company) in relation to its proposal to introduce a 1000 Mbps interconnecting carrier to interconnecting carrier (IC-to-IC) cross-interconnection link (Tariff Notice 7372). The Company was asked to provide its responses by 15 April 2013, with parties providing comments in relation to information provided in the interrogatory responses by 22 April 2013 and reply comments by the Company to be filed by 29 April 2013.
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2013-04-05 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission staff determinations in a letter dated 2 April 2013 with respect to requests for disclosure of information for which a claim of confidentiality has been made in the responses Bell Canada provided to information requests, please find attached Bell Canada's supplemental responses that comply with staff's disclosure ruling.
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2013-04-02 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Follow-up to Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2012-592 and Outstanding Rating Issues of Tariff Notice 7372 from Bell Canada
2013-02-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of comments on the responses it filed on 1 February 2013 to the Commission staff requests for information related to the above-referenced tariff notice (TN).
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2013-02-08 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium
Inc. (“CNOC”)
Description: Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated 22 January 2013, Canadian Network Operators Consortium
Inc. (“CNOC”) is hereby providing its comments with respect to the interrogatory responses provided by Bell
Canada (“Bell”) on 1 February 2013 with respect to Tariff Notice 7372 (“TN 7372”).
Document: 1839381.pdf - 106KB
2013-02-08 -
MTS Inc. and Allstream Inc.
MTS Inc. and Allstream Inc. (collectively, MTS Allstream) are filing these comments in response to Tariff Notice (TN) 7372 filed by Bell Canada (Bell) on 6 December 2012, and related interrogatory responses filed by Bell on 1 February 2013.
Document: 1839296.doc - 172KB
2013-02-08 - Globility Communications Corporation (“Globility”)
Globility Communications Corporation (“Globility”) is in receipt of Bell Canada (“Bell”) Tariff
Notice 7372 proposing to introduce a high capacity 1000Mbps IC to IC link and responses to
Commission 22 January 2013 interrogatories dated 1 February 2013. Pursuant to the
Commission’s procedural letter dated 22 January 2013, Globility hereby files its comments.
Document: 1839261.pdf -
2013-02-04 - Bell Canada
Bell Canada (the Company) is in receipt of comments from the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC), dated 21 January 2013, that relate to the Company's proposed 1000 Mbps IC-to-IC cross-interconnection link service (TN 7372). Subsequent to receipt of these comments, Commission staff posed a number of requests for information to the Company in a letter dated 22 January 2013.
Document: 1834388.doc - 45KB
2013-02-01 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in a staff letter dated 22 January 2013, please find attached Bell Canada's (or the Company's) responses to the Commission's requests for information posed to them in its 22 January 2013 letter.
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2013-01-21 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
This constitutes the intervention of Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) with respect
to Bell Canada (“Bell”) Tariff Notice 7372 (“TN 7372”). In TN 7372, Bell is seeking to introduce higher-capacity
(i.e., 1,000 Mbps) IC-to-IC cross-interconnection links that apply within its Ontario and Québec serving areas.
Bell is seeking to charge $600.00 per month per link.
Document: 1825982.pdf - 21KB
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