Bell Canada (National Services Tariff) - TN 910 - 2010-12-15 - #8740-B20-201018341

National Services Tariff - Digital Network Services

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2011-03-11 - Telecom order CRTC 2011-178 Bell Canada – Withdrawal of Managed Digital Private Line Service and Enhanced Service Extension Feature
File number: Tariff Notice 910 (NST)

2011-06-13 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada (NST)- Re:  Tariff Notice 910 – Digital Network Services

2011-06-03 - Bell Canada
Description: In Bell Canada’s (or the Company’s) Tariff Notice (TN) 910, submitted 15 December 2010, the Company proposed changes to its National Services Tariff (NST) – Item 303, Managed Digital Private Line Service and Item 304, Digital Private Line Solutions Service Extension Features. The Company proposed to withdraw Managed Digital Private Line Service and the associated Enhanced Service Extension Feature effective 30 June 2011.
Document: 1576177.doc - 47KB

2011-02-17 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedures for the disposition of applications dealing with the withdrawal of tariffed services detailed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-22, Mandatory customer contract renewal notification and requirements for destandardization/withdrawal, Bell Canada (or the Company) filed an application for the withdrawal of Managed Digital Private Line Service and the associated Enhanced Service Extension Feature on 15 December 2010 (i.e., Tariff Notice 910 (TN 910))
Document: 1512905.doc - 52KB

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