MTS Allstream Inc. - TN 679 - 2009-07-13 - #8740-M59-200910142

General Tariff - Voice and Feature Bundle (Residential)

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File Closed - Commission Letter - 2009-07-29

2009-07-29 - Commission Letter
File # : 8740-M59-200910142 - 8740-M59-200910241
Descritption: Letter addressed to MTS Allstream Ltd. - Re: Tariff Notices 679 and 680 – Voice and Feature Bundle Services - Request to withdraw

2009-07-29 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream has determined that it does not wish to proceed with obtaining approval of this tariff notice application at this time due to business conditions that have changed associated with this service. Accordingly, MTS Allstream wishes to withdraw Tariff Notice No.679 and is requesting the Commission’s acceptance of this request.
Document: 1249967.pdf - 57KB

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